Public urged to be vigilant against terror

Following renewed threats of terror attacks, Malacañang called on the public to remain vigilant.

National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye in separate interviews stressed public vigilance is the nation’s "first line of defense" against terrorist attacks and criminality.

"If you see something (suspicious), say something," Gonzales said. "You can save lives and property."

Bunye said the fight against terrorism is not played solely by the government but all sectors affected by the threats.

He said the government is also increasing security in potential terror targets that include civilian infrastructures.

"We all know that the most important linchpin in the fight against terror is the vigilance of the people themselves," Bunye said.

"Let us not put more lives at risk when we can do something about the threat posed by terrorists now," he said.

Bunye cited the case of the recent bombings in Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat where the civilian population exerted all efforts to minimize the damage left by the terror attacks.

Bunye also called on the business sector to actively cooperate with the authorities in the fight against terrorism.

Bunye stressed there is no need to overreact on the reported terror threats. "We must be alert but remain calm and sober," he said.

Gonzales also urged the public to heed the alert level system.

He explained the alert levels should remind the people of the degree of vigilance required from them and accordingly take the necessary precautions on the possible terror threats.

The government has implemented since last month four alert levels – low, moderate, high and extreme.

Authorities have raised the alert levels in Mindanao to extreme while Metro Manila alert remains moderate.

The military, however, implemented a red alert status on its troops in Metro Manila against the possibility of a spill over of the bombings in Mindanao attributed to the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah and the Abu Sayyaf.

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