Sandigan fines owners of ringing cell phones

When attending a hearing before the Sandiganbayan, be sure to put that cell phone on silent mode.

Fourth Division Chairman Associate Justice Gregory Ong ordered the imposition of a P1,000 fine on owners of ringing cellular phones inside the courtroom while a trial is in progress.

The order took effect last month and has so far claimed three "victims" — a lawyer and two litigants.

All five divisions of the graft court have posted notices requiring every person to switch off his or her cellular phones, beepers and short-wave radios before entering a courtroom when a trial is ongoing.

However, the rule is apparently often ignored, especially by those watching the trials from the gallery. There have been instances when security men posted inside the courtroom have had to escort people out of the courtroom.

Potential violators of the rule are immediately greeted at the court room door by two large signs that read: "TURN OFF YOUR CELLPHONE(S) OR BE FINED P1,000" and "SILENCE IS STRICTLY ENJOINED."

According to the staff of the Sandiganbayan cashier’s office, fines collected from those violating the order go to the Special Allowances for Judges and Justices, a fund for magistrates that is separate from the Judicial Development Fund.

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