OMA official slain in ambush

A top official of the Office of Muslim Affairs (OMA) was shot to death by one of two men who casually approached his car at the basement parking of his office in Quezon City yesterday.

Police said Kharis Mikunog, 52, OMA deputy executive director, died while undergoing treatment at St. Luke’s Medical Center.

Witnesses said two gunmen, one of whom was described as "a relatively tall man in his early 40s," shot Mikunog with a caliber .38 revolver at around 12:30 p.m. as he was leaving the Equitable PCI Bank building along E. Rodriguez Boulevard.

The killers fled on foot after shooting Mikunog, witnesses said. Police have launched a city-wide hunt for the suspects.

Police Officer 3 Jun Mortel said Mikunog, who resided at 173 Scout Limbaga st. in Kamuning district, Quezon City, had no known enemies. Investigators were stumped on the possible motive of the killers, he said.

Witnesses said the suspects had casually approached Mikunog’s vehicle. One of them pulled out a gun and shot the official three times in the back, neck and shoulders, hitting and shattering the rear window of his car, a gray Toyota Corolla with license plate USV-540.

The assassins had apparently been waiting for Mikunog who was on his way to lunch, witnesses added.

Mauyag Lucman, OMA liaison officer, told police he also saw the shooting of Mikunog, who was left sprawled and bleeding on the driver’s seat.

Mikunog was rushed to nearby the St. Luke’s hospital where he died about an hour later.

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