Senators post + approval ratings — poll

After going through some turbulent times, the Senate has shown signs of recovery, with senators winning back the trust of most Filipinos.

A survey done by public opinion research firm Pulse Asia showed all 24 senators posting positive net ratings, a vast improvement in their showing right after the historic impeachment trial of President Joseph Estrada early this year.

The Sept. 22 to Oct. 4 survey of 1,200 respondents showed a general improvement in the Filipinos’ approval of senators. Two of those perceived to be favoring Estrada during the impeachment proceedings – Teresita Aquino-Oreta and Robert Jaworski – got net ratings of 10 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

The two were hit with very high public disapproval when they joined those who voted against the opening of potentially damaging evidence against Estrada.

Pulse Asia said a nationwide political healing appears to have taken place between January and September. One clear sign of this healing, the firm said, was the high approval received by Edgardo Angara, who served as agriculture secretary and later executive secretary to Estrada during his 30-month administration.

Despite his political affinity with the fallen leader, Angara got a remarkable 71 percent approval against an 11 percent disapproval rating, for a net 60 percent rating.

Others closely associated with Estrada also received good marks, further boosting Pulse Asia’s observation.

Estrada’s wife, Luisa Ejercito, got a net rating of 33 percent while Panfilo Lacson, a staunch supporter of the former president, got a net rating of 18 percent.

Lacson received an approval rating of 49 percent and a disapproval rating of 31, with 19 percent unable to decide whether to favor him. His ratings apparently showed that a considerable number of Filipinos still doubt the accusations of former secret agent Mary "Rosebud" Ong that he was involved in the illegal drug trade when he was still with the Philippine National Police.

As expected, the survey showed former broadcaster Noli de Castro as getting the highest approval rating among the senators. De Castro had a net rating of 80 percent, with only five percent disapproving of his three-month-old work as senator.

Juan Flavier and Loren Legarda were next in the list of most-approved lawmakers, both with a 72 percent net rating. Sergio Osmeña placed third (63), followed by Ramon Magsaysay Jr. and Angara (62).

The other senators and their ratings: Joker Arroyo (60); Franklin Drilon (59); Aquilino Pimentel (58); Renato Cayetano and Francis Pangilinan (54); Manuel Villar and Rodolfo Biazon (49); Ralph Recto, and Sonny Osmeña (45); Blas Ople (44); Gregorio Honasan (36); Vicente Sotto III (35); Ejercito (33); Ramon Revilla (27); Lacson (18); Jaworski (11) and Oreta (10).

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