Gloria scores SWS survey

Vice President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo rejected yesterday as "not reflective of the public’s general sentiment" the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showing that 44 percent of Filipinos do not want Pre-sident Estrada to resign.

"The survey was taken prior to the massive defections and withdrawal of support (of close associates of the Chief Executive)," she said.

For his part, Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) chairman Crispin Beltran described the SWS survey as an "illusion" of President Estrada.

"Let us be generous and give Estrada this last illusion. After all, this is like the delicious meal given a man about to be hanged the following day," Beltran said.

However, Beltran urged Arroyo to "take her cue" from the SWS survey and take steps "to concretely assuage the fears of the people" if she assumes the presidency.

"We have yet to hear her stand on the issues of wage hikes, employment, homes and landlessness as well as on oil price hikes," he said.

Arroyo was also warned yesterday by Carmen Deunida, national president of Kapisanan ng Damayang Mahihirap, that she would suffer the same fate as Mr. Estrada if she fails to do anything about the problems of the poor.

Deunida also said the people will revolt against the government if the President refuses to heed their clamor for him to resign.

Deunida challenged Ronald Lumbao, national president of the pro-Estrada People’s Movement Against Poverty (PMAP), to examine closely the "illusionary" anti-poverty program of the administration.

"It is extremely inciting to note that (President) Estrada could afford to build lavish mansions for his families and mistresses, yet he could not even give free, decent and livable housing units to poor families," he said. "What he distributed to poor families have been discovered worthless."

Beltran said KMU members believe that the President should be ousted through people power, although they also support the impeachment proceedings at the House of Representatives.

Beltran said it would "only be a matter of days" before the Chief Executive steps down from office following the mounting clamor for his ouster.

"He is as good as impeached, and the massive protests still lined up against him will all the more pressure him to vacate his post even before the impeachment process is finalized," he said.

Beltran said the anti-Estrada forces will hold another big rally on Nov. 14 to intensify the pressure on the Chief Executive to immediately step down from office.

Meanwhile, Arroyo said she has sent her lawyers to appear before the Quezon City Regional Trial Court to answer sedition charges against her.

Oliver Lozano, who served as counsel of former First Lady Imelda Marcos, accused Arroyo and former presidents Corazon Aquino and Fidel Ramos of inciting to sedition. With Mayen Jaymalin, Pia Lee-Brago

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