Not enough Estrada supporters in House?

A simple case of mathematics.

The best proof that the impeachment case against President Estrada will reach the Senate is that his friend Quezon Rep. Danilo Suarez (LAMP) cannot get 150 House members to sign a resolution in support of the embattled Chief Executive.

This was what Bohol Rep. Ernesto Herrera (Lakas) said yesterday as he expressed confidence the President will definitely face a Senate trial for the charges enumerated in the impeachment complaint against him now pending in the House. "Mr. Suarez could not even get 100 votes simply because many House members want the complaint against the President brought to the Senate," Herrera said.

Under House rules, 73 votes, or one-third of the 218 members, are needed to endorse the petition to the Senate. Suarez has repeatedly told reporters that he has 140 signatures on his support-Estrada resolution. But he has refused to release a copy of the measure.

If his claim is true, that leaves 78 congressmen, committed or uncommitted to support the impeachment move against Mr. Estrada. Fifty-five have so far signed the impeachment complaint.

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