Bro. Mike to Estrada:

A Lenten retreat has provided an opportunity for an embattled President Estrada to receive guidance from his chief spiritual adviser, who simply told him not to get peeved at all the accusations thrown against him.

"Relax lang, relax. Huwag kang mapikon. Ang napipikon, talo (Just relax. Don't get peeved. The one who gets peeved loses)," the President quoted El Shaddai leader Mike Velarde, who co-presided over a recollection attended by Cabinet members in Tagaytay City, as telling him.

At the Easter service of the El Shaddai Prayer Partners Foundation in Manila yesterday, Mr. Estrada also said he has already forgiven his critics and strengthened his resolve to deliver the Filipino people from poverty.

"If my critics have hurt me by throwing accusations against me, rest assured I have already forgiven them," he said.

Mr. Estrada pointed out that Saturday's recollection in Tagaytay, which was also presided over by Manila Auxiliary Bishop Teodoro Bacani Jr., did him much good.

"Thanks to our capable retreat masters, I now speak before you with a clear mind a clear conscience," the President said.

He asked all sectors of society, including the media, to point out to him his mistakes so he can make the necessary corrections.

He lamented, however, that some critics still resort to making up charges just to find fault with him.

These tactics, Mr. Estrada said, include blaming him for things that he has no control of, such as the rise in oil prices. He added that critics and protest movements have harped on his falling popularity rating.

"I don't believe in governing for the sake of popularity. I am finished with trying to look good. And I pity those who try to look good at my expense," the President said.

He reiterated that he would no longer listen to politically charged brickbats from his critics, saying politics has prevented the country from progressing.

"Charges from my critics are full of personal interests and hidden agenda. It is better to ignore them and focus on how to address the problems of the country," the President said. "We must listen not to the noise of a small minority, but to the silence of the majority."

The President noted that in rescuing the people from poverty, he would follow the example of Christ who had gone through suffering and even death to rescue mankind from sins.

He said that he is now giving his best performance of his career in government, as he has no more political plans after he steps down in 2004.

"I was elected President on the basis of my promise to rescue the poor. I know my countrymen have high expectations, and I have not turned my back on that promise," Mr. Estrada said. --

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