Gov't, private sector link arms to fight smuggling

Your days are numbered.

This was the stern warning of President Estrada yesterday to smugglers as the government and the private sector linked arms to stop the activities of economic saboteurs.

Mr. Estrada noted that smugglers are getting bolder these days by selling their goods in the open market. This despite the establishment of a military task force against smuggling.

But the Chief Executive said smugglers will now have a hard time cheating, especially after the government allowed the private sector, represented by the newly formed Smuggling Watch, to spy on, apprehend, investigate and prosecute people involved in smuggling.

Such an authority is stipulated in a memorandum of agreement signed by Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora, who is also chairman of the Economic Mobilization Group; Customs Commissioner Ramon Farolan, Justice Secretary Serafin Cuevas and Jesus Arranza, chairman of Smuggling Watch.

Mr. Estrada said smuggling continues because there is a ready market for such goods.

"The widespread distribution of these smuggled goods in retail stores must be stopped. The sabotage of our economy cannot go unpunished. The prosecution of smugglers and their collaborators shall serve as a warning to those who intend to undermine the economy of our nation," the President said.

"And so, it is with high expectations that I launch Smuggling Watch. Let us show our national outrage against smugglers and tell them, `your days are numbered'," he said.

"I am optimistic that this effort would effectively choke off the retail and wholesale markets for smuggled items," he said.

Mr. Estrada commended the private sector for its initiative in helping the government "frustrate an economic and social evil."

"Smuggling Watch is truly an admirable example of an effective collaboration between the government and the private sector in fighting an economic and social evil that has corrupted many government officials and employees and disrupted our recovery from the recent Asian financial crisis," the President said.

Mr. Estrada said that such a collaboration is not enough since the people must also be informed about the evils of smuggling.

"We must also educate the masses that to patronize outlets for smuggled goods will frustrate our economic recovery. For our economy to succeed, we need to support our industrial and agricultural sectors. We have to ensure a level playing field for our local industries and their competition in the world market," he said.

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