WATCH: Magic Men Australia eat Filipino street food Kwek-kwek, squid balls with a twist

MANILA, Philippines — Magic Men Australia mutually agreed that Filipino food is good, with some of them even gamely eating not just one skewer of innards when they were challenged to eat Filipino street food. 

The seven members of the visiting performing act from Australia did not back down when they were asked to try Filipino street fare, including Kwek-kwek (brightly colored deep fried and coated quail eggs), squid balls and Isaw (chicken intestines). 

Like their signature sexy moves though, the men teased the press when they ate these in the sexiest way possible. 

The Filipino street fare are not the only Filipino food they tried. They also had Jollibee and Squid Ink Paella. 

Nick Murray, in particular, shared his appreciation for Jollibee, the well-loved Filipino fast food chain.

"When I arrived in the airport, I pointed at the shop called Jollibee. I was like, 'Can we check that out?' 

"The Spaghetti was definitely my favorite and the (Peach) Mango Pie. That was a good dish. I enjoyed that," he said. 

Jeff Cornelius strugged to remember the names of the food he had eaten, but remembers a Paella dish that had black ink. He later would learn that it was Squid Ink Paella. 

Sean Wepener, the charming and affable member of the group, found Filipino food fantastic. He even unintentionally cracked a joke at how squid, which is pusit in Filipino, is pronunced. His was with a silent H, leading to his fellow Magic Men and the press laughing at how the word sounded like. 

"The Filipino food is absolutely fantastic and I made sure of that because some of these boys did not eat all of the food on their plate. So they pass them on my way. 

"The pusit, the Paella. Fantastic. OMG. The local cuisine here is exquisite," Wepener said. 

Watch as Magic Men takes a bite of Filipino street food. — Video by Kathleen A. Llemit, editing by Martin Ramos

RELATED: Benny Blanco makes new Filipino food review after Jollibee online backlash

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