Building a ‘safe haven’ together

Rachelle Ann Go and husband Martin Spies feel like ‘bagong kasal’ on honeymoon while quarantined in their new home in London

Whether in Manila or in London, home is where the heart...and the loved Ask Rachelle “Shin” Ann Go who has been on home quarantine with husband Martin Spies in their brand-new home, well, “out there.”

“I feel like we are newly married, para kaming bagong kasal,” Shin told The STAR in an exclusive e-mail interview. “It seems like we are still on honeymoon.” That is, more than two years after they got married on April 18, 2018, in Boracay.

The couple was here for Shin’s Valentine concert in February and went back to London soon after.

The couple is turning the lockdown into an experience of fun and laughter, sometimes composing songs together. Below: In the West End musical Hamilton, temporarily closed due to the pandemic.

“Since we are stuck at home, Martin and I have all the time to make our home a safe haven,” wrote Shin. “We got the keys in December last year. We can’t believe that when we moved in immediately after we came back from Manila, we had no furniture at all. Now, almost complete. The interiors are mixed-mixed, halu-halo. I want the ambience to be very chill, more country home, very rustic.”

During the quarantined honeymoon, according to Shin, “We spend our time eating, laughing and annoying each other. Fun! Masaya!”

What was your reaction when the theater biz, especially your play Hamilton, closed due to the pandemic?

“We actually had a feeling that West End would close for a bit after Broadway did, so we were kind of expecting that it might happen but hoping it would not.

“I was surprised and sad when I heard the news since so many people depend on the theater industry for their livelihood. But we have to understand that it is for the safety of everyone and that this season has a purpose.”

Any other Filipino actors in London affected by the lockdown and are you in touch with them?

“Yes, of course! We have all the time in the world to catch up with one another. We really need to use this time to reach out to people, especially those who are living alone.”

‘Martin and I want our home to have a country ambience, ’yung rustic. The interiors and the furniture are mixed-mixed, halu-halo, as you can see in these pictures of the sala, the dining room and the other parts.’

How has the lockdown been between you and Martin?

“Marriage gets better and better!

“The lockdown has been very helpful for the marriage! I remember telling you before that we really didn’t have quality time with each other when we were both working. When lockdown happened four months ago, that was when we really had gotten to know each other more, being together 24/7 is the best!!! Other people said it would be tough to be with your spouse in a lockdown because there is no way out, hahaha!

“Don’t get me wrong. It is not easy. We argue and reconcile but that’s the beauty of marriage. I feel like we are on a retreat! With all the crazy and sad things happening in the world right now, we need to use this time to do our best to grow together and focus on the good things and never take those for granted.”

Is it giving you more time to fix your new house?

“Yes, 100 percent. Every day, I get new project ideas for our home, so I never get bored. Once lockdown/quarantine is over, our place will be ready for our families and friends to visit us.”

How is your typical day like (wake-up time and bedtime, and activities between)?

“I do my quiet time with God in the morning, write new dreams, try to squeeze in a workout (if I’m in the mood). I cook and bake a lot these days, call my family in Manila and catch up with friends on video call. I do little projects here and there.

“I’m part of the worship team in our church so I’ve been recording some worship songs for our Sunday online service. We also love hosting people. Since the government here allowed households to have people over, we’ve been doing social-distancing gatherings in our garden.”

Anything you have discovered about each other that you didn’t have time to do because you were both busy with work?

“We discovered that we enjoy singing together. Martin has a guitar and he plays once in a while. So, during the lockdown season, we jam, worship together and record a few songs. Martin loves gardening and gets satisfaction just by mowing the lawn while I enjoy doing interior DIYs.”

When will Hamilton resume playing, and do you have to re-rehearse before that?

“I actually started playing Fantine again in Les Miserables in March then after two weeks all the shows closed. Unfortunately, no one knows when we are opening again, the dream is to open early next year. But we heard that once the government allows the theater industry to open, it might take us four months to re-open. That includes rehearsals (we need to) and testing the waters to see if the audience will be comfortable watching in a theater again.”

Once theater resumes, how do you think things will be done and how would you and other actors adapt to the new normal?

“It’s really hard to tell. But one thing I know for sure, the industry is really doing its best to come up with ideas on how they can make it safe again. This time is actually very important for everyone. A season to rest, reflect, grow and really think about how we can become a better performer and human being once we are up and running again. With what everyone is going through, I think we can all adapt to anything that will be thrown our way.”

What do you look forward to when the pandemic is over, any new prospects?

“I am looking forward to visiting my loved ones in the Philippines right away. I miss everyone. I’m also looking forward to a better world full of people who share overflowing kindness, who are more forgiving and with hearts full of hope.

“When it comes to new shows, who knows what doors will open? At this time, it’s important for us to find opportunities to be creative and express ourselves in different ways.”

(E-mail reactions at For more updates, photos and videos, visit or follow me on Instagram @therealrickylo.)

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