Joey battling recurrence of cancer

MANILA, Philippines - Barely five months after undergoing surgery, Joey Albert (photo) has confirmed to Funfare in a text message that the colorectal cancer has come back, requiring another series of surgeries.

It’s her third bout with the Big C which was first diagnosed almost 10 years ago. She went into remission until last March when the symptoms came back.

In her text message, Joey said, “I’m doing okay…tolerable naman the side effects although I think the reality of how life will be from hereon and the permanence of certain life changes are just now starting to set in and affecting me emotionally. I will go through the course though…as best as I can. But I’ve reached the halfway mark, six done and six more to go.”

Joey added that she might come for vacation in November, hopefully back in good health.

Again, she’s asking for more prayers for her speedy recovery.


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