Free Valentine concert for the family

From left: Line producer Hanzel Villafuerte of iPR PLUS Consulting Group with John Neil Sangalang of BPP (Beyond Photography Production), Shiella Ann Jia Saguin-Crisostomo and Chino Crisostomo of Merlin PH, and Dr. Emmanuel Baja, managing director of iPR PLUS Consulting Group  

MANILA, Philippines - Aside from Christmas and New Year, people go ga-ga over the season of hearts. February seems to be filled with flowers, chocolates, candle-lit dinners, marriage proposals, weddings or just plain romance. Couples tend to outdo each other with the most romantic gestures they could think of. 

BPP (Beyond Photography Production) and Merlin PH will treat everyone to a free Valentine concert titled Sweet Lovin’, Let’s Jammin’ which is mounted in part to support the Stop Hunger Now program. 

Stop Hunger Now is an international hungry relief operation that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world. Staged with the help of iPR Plus Consulting Group headed by Hanzel Villafuerte as line producer, Sweet Lovin’, Let’s Jammin’ is for the whole family to enjoy.

Sweet Lovin’, Let’s Jammin’ is a collaboration of various OPM artists — The Voice Philippines Season 2 contender Niño Alejandro, Carlo Lopez, Kris Angelica, Imago, Banda ni Kleggy, 1:43, Fifth Dynamics, Pilyo, Megan Aguilar, Rox Puno with Gherns Soul Session and more. It will be held on Feb. 14, 7 p.m., at the Ninoy Aquino National Parks and Wildlife Amphitheathre, Quezon City.


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