The Catacombs’ darkest secrets

MANILA, Philippines - Producers Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni, who have built Legendary Pictures on the foundation of creating credible, mythic story universes, have established a track record of delivering intelligent, sophisticated filmmaking that elevates genre properties. Their first film of the Legendary distribution deal with Universal Pictures, the micro-budgeted As Above/So Below, marks a welcome entry into the canon.

Working with fellow producer Patrick Aiello (The Double), the filmmakers bring the terrifying thriller to life with brothers John Erick and Drew Dowdle, who first gained notoriety with The Poughkeepsie Tapes.

Experienced storytellers in this unique division of the horror genre, the Dowdles proceeded to scare audiences with 2008’s Quarantine and 2010’s Devil, which blockbuster filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan handpicked them to direct and produce.

Director John Erick walks us through his and his brother’s interests and process in creating deeply character-based films. “Crisis is what ties all our films together. There’s something about the intensity of a crisis that makes a film fun for us. We try to make all our films character-driven; people you genuinely love, so that when something happens to them, you empathize with them.”

The life-changing treasure is one that some would die trying to obtain. That was just the setting in which to set and explore the tale of

Metaphorically and figuratively, the Dowdles decided it was smartest to title their story As Above/So Below. The dark mantra at the heart of the film traces back to an ancient belief that the only way to combat the terrors that surround you is to confront the demons within.

 (As Above/So Below will be shown exclusively at Ayala Malls Cinemas nationwide starting today.)

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