Is ARMM’s first lady open to showbiz?

MANILA, Philippines - Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) First Lady Princess Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman (photo) is a woman of power and a Jane of all trades. But despite being a development worker, columnist, model and entrepreneur all at the same time, there is no doubt that being a mother remains her top priority.

Just recently, she posted on her Facebook that “tama ako all along, working in government is not for me, it is the politics I cannot stand.”

When asked if she’s open to TV and print modeling, and even showbiz, she said, although reluctantly, she’s not closing doors.

But “for now, I’m focused on the Anak-Mindanao partylist and my family,” said Princess Sitti.

“It’s a balancing act, a conscious effort to spend quality (family) time… They are my priority,” she added, referring to her role as a mother of five.

Despite making the task of juggling work and family life look easy, she admitted that her hardest times are when she has to be physically away from her children due to her busy schedule emanating from her chosen professions.

“Technology is indeed a blessing on this aspect,” said Princess Sitti. “I also make sure that they still feel my presence even when I am not around, like I personally write down a menu for them for the entire duration of my trip away.”

During weekends, Princess Sitti said they watch movies, buy books and eat out like any typical family.

When asked who her showbiz idol is, she said, “Idol ko sa Derek Ramsay, hahaha,” giggling. We called up Derek right away and he said to persuade her to join showbiz.

Three of their children are also into sports and the arts, and Princess Sitti said she and her husband make sure that they are always there to cheer them on.

She also shared, “We also love to travel as a family, we share the same interests — history and culture. When our children are free, we sometimes bring them to work, to communities, so they understand and value what we do.”

“When they do something wrong, we talk to them and explain why it was wrong and what are the consequences. Making them understand will make them personally decide not to do it again,” she said.              

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