Quotes from Mr. Grey's sexy mouth

screengrabbed from YouTube

MANILA, Philippines - E. L. James’ bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey will be finally out on theaters on Feb. 13, 2015. After an incredibly large amount of teasing, characters were finally picked; Dakota Johnson plays as Anastasia while Jamie Dornan as Christian. What got the fans even more in frenzy is the release of the steamy trailer, which gives a sneak peek of the gorgeous body of Dornan and the alluring face of Dakota.

While waiting for the movie release, here are some of the romantically tingling quotes from Christian Grey that might just make you want to rip his shirt off. Hold on to your pants ladies. Of all the hot things that could come out of Christian Grey's mouth, these are  probably the hottest.

"Laters, baby."

"Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I've been here. Only me. You are mine."

"I dont make love; I f*ck... hard."


"I lay awake for hours and watched you sleep... I may have loved you even then."

"I want you, and the thought of anyone else having you is a knife twisting in my dark soul."

"I want to chase the dawn with you"

"You are not just a pretty face. You've had six orgasms so far and all of them belong to me."

"I don't know whether to worship at your feet or spank the living sh*t out of you."

"We aim to please Miss Steele."

"Do you want a regular vanilla relationship with no kinky f*ckery at all?"

"You will not be able to see me or hear me. But you'll be able to feel me."

"Im fifty shades of f*cked up."

Photos: screengrabbed from YouTube

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