Discovery sets date for live Mount Everest jump

NEW YORK (AP) — Discovery Channel announced Monday that Everest Jump Live will be broadcast on Sunday, May 11, weather permitting.

The two-hour event will chronicle climber Joby Ogwyn’s journey to the top of Mount Everest and his planned leap from the summit in a winged suit equipped with cameras.

NBC News’ Willie Geist will serve as host and will be joined by The Weather Channel’s meteorologist Jim Cantore, who will track the mountain’s unpredictable weather conditions. They’ll be based at a studio in New York.

Kyle Martino of NBC Sports and Chris Jacobs of Discovery and Velocity will deliver on-the-ground updates at Everest Base Camp.

The May 11 live broadcast hopes to capture the global social media conversation of the jump in new ways by looking at real-time data and reporting on who’s watching, in what countries.

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