Unforgettable scenes in the rain

MANILA, Philippines - The rainy season is here again. Umbrellas are up, raincoats are worn, boots are used and hot soups are served. While only a few would say that they love this season, it is inevitable that this time of the year has to come anyway. What’s a better thing to do during a downpour? Be a couch potato! To match it with the season, here are some movies that have memorable “rain” scenes in them:

The Day After Tomorrow (2004). It will always be a big question to many as to how the world will end. Several movies, like this one, have showed how they imagined it to be. One of the terrifying scenes in this movie is when it rains non-stop, causing fast-rising flood all around the city. The next scenes are even more dreadful.  

Perfect Storm (2000). A group of fishermen sets off in hopes of catching more fish despite a storm warning. What they thought they could handle is actually something no one would dare face. Will they survive the storm? Obviously, expect to see a lot of rain scenes, windy situations and survival skills at work.

Twister (1996). This movie is all about chasing; that is chasing after twisters. No matter how dangerous it is, the lead characters just won’t stop until their invention works properly. There are frequent rains, strong winds and even hailstorms, making the chase even more challenging.

Cast Away (2000). If being lost and alone in an island already looks difficult, then wait until the storm comes. That is what Chuck Noland has to deal with when he tries to survive in a small, secluded island. Another worth-mentioning scene in the movie is when Chuck and his long-time girlfriend kiss in the rain after a long time of not seeing each other. The coldness of the rain is seemingly offset by the warmth of their kiss. 

Shawshank Redemption (1994). The movie is about a man who is accused of killing his wife and sentenced to go to jail. He learns a lot about life through the people he meets inside the prison. One memorable scene is when he escapes and feels real freedom by standing under the rain — such an intense scene. No wonder this scene got included in the official movie poster.  

Forrest Gump (1994). It’s the words that he uses and the way he talks that make people adore Forrest so much. Out of the many quotable quotes he utters in the film, one of the cutest ones is what he says about the rain during his service at the Vietnam War. He says: “We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin’ rain…and big ol’ fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from umderneath…” Such a creative description of rain.

Spiderman (2002). Yes, it’s just a kiss but there is something in this scene that makes it really special. Is it because Spiderman’s face is semi-revealed? Is it because of his upside-down position? Whatever it is, the rain definitely makes it more romantic and exciting.

The Notebook (2004). The movie is about two young lovers who are not free to love each other — and that is the hardest thing, of course. People around them try to separate them as they become closer. One unforgettable scene is the passionate kissing under the rain, which goes to show how much they want to be together.  

Jurassic Park (1993). A T-Rex roaming around, a broken pick-up truck, two kids with a few adults and a heavy rain in an isolated island make up such a memorable scene from the phenomenal movie by Steven Spielberg. If, at first, you imagine how nice it would be to have such a park, well, your mind will change after this dreadful scene.

Singing in the Rain (1952). While it is true that the movie doesn’t center on the topic of rain, it is a must to include it here just because of the famous song and the dancing-in-the-rain scene. It became so popular that several TV commercials and ads were based on it. “I am singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling…”

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