27 reasons why it’s fun working in The STAR

Whoever said that working for a newspaper is like a death sentence must have probably worked under a not-so-favorable condition. He either had experienced stress, stress and more stress for beating everyday deadlines or worse, his boss was difficult to deal with — you know, the type who seems to always find fault in his every move.

Although the stress factor cannot be counted out — especially when articles are need to be submitted pronto —  still, we are lucky to be working for The STAR, the only paper you read from cover to cover. We don’t intend to sound biased here but we have a good number of reasons why it’s more fun working in The STAR which, by the way, is marking its 27th year today. Having lasted this long (Bot and Jerry have been working for 19 years and 14 years, respectively) is one sign that we have fun working in The STAR.

To coincide with this paper’s years of existence, we list down our 27 reasons why it’s more fun working in The STAR, and, specifically, in the Entertainment section:

1. We treat each other like family. If we are to liken our company to Pinoy Big Brother’s house, our president Miguel Belmonte, is our Big Brother who never tires of leading us to better lives. He knows our needs and gives in to requests more often than not. Keeping our respect for him intact, we never feel anxious about greeting him on the hallway because he always has a ready smile for everyone. And he always answers questions, reminding us not to feel shy to ask because we are family. By the way, we call ourselves The STAR troopers.

2. We have an extraordinary kind of boss/editor. It may sound unbelievable to others, but this is so true, without kaplastikan: Our section editor Ricky Lo takes good care of us. He feeds us everyday — from snack to dinner and oftentimes, may take home pa — either through food delivery or bringing in some for us straight from his own kitchen or the resto on his way to the office. He always shares his blessings with us as the lucky recipients.

3. Our editor knows our likes and dislikes. He knows what to bring as pasalubong whenever he comes home from out-of-the-country coverages. And, where on Earth can you find a boss who is equally concerned with your needs and wants? Only in STAR, as far as we’re concerned.

4. We have a dedicated boss. It is admirable how tireless our editor can be when it comes to getting the latest news. Even when he’s abroad, he never fails to put on print the latest happening in the entertainment scene.

5. There’s no reason for calling in “sick.” Admit it, there are days when you seem to drag your feet just to get to the office but it seldom happens to us because going to the STAR office is like entering your second home. Remember, we are family here so we feel excited to see our co-workers and share our thoughts  with them.

6. We have a brother-sister bond. We understand each other like real brothers and sisters. Of course, some misunderstandings may arise but we get to settle our differences without stabbing each other’s back.

7. The STAR knows how to share gifts. Aside from the monthly blessings we receive from the company, The STAR has its own charity arm called Operation Damayan that continues to offer help in every possible way. Its volunteer employees wholeheartedly give their time for charity work come rain or shine.

8. We get to travel as part of the Entertainment team. Who says one can’t mix business with pleasure? Definitely not us because we go out not just for a story but also for the wonderful sights of different places while on an assignment. Either here or abroad, it’s fortunate for us to experience and enjoy each place we go to.

9. We enjoy the food. It would be absurd not to tell about the different cuisines we get to taste whether in the office or out on an assignment.

10. We rub elbows with celebrities. While others are dying to see their favorite stars, we can meet them up close and personal.

11. There’s a chance to meet the “who’s who” in sports, showbiz and politics. They drop by at the office to express their appreciation for the paper’s coverage regarding their latest endeavors.

12. We get the once-in-a-lifetime chance for some photo ops. How lucky we are to pose beside the likes of former President and now Manila City Mayor  Joseph Estrada, actors Richard Gutierrez, Jericho Rosales, Coco Martin and a lot more, during their visit to The STAR office.

13. We get first-hand information on the latest showbiz scoops. It’s admirable how our editor gets the freshest showbiz news straight from the horse’s mouth. Oftentimes, the celebrities are the ones who phoned him about the details.

14. We get to experience watching TV shows live. It’s hard to patiently stand and queue under the sun just to get a seat in the audience section of a TV show but we are blessed to be seated in the best spot for a clearer view of what’s happening on stage.

15. We get to know what it’s like to be a show contestant. We, too, shrieked in excitement, laughed with nervousness while playing in a TV show contest and eventually felt happy walking away with the prize pot. 

16. There are great opportunities to watch shows and concerts for free. After all, they do say the best things in life are free, right? Lucky we are to be among those who have the privilege to attend shows without shelling out a single centavo from our pockets. A  write-up must follow though.

17. We haven’t experienced yet the “All-work-and-no-play-make-John-and-Jane-dull” thing. Just because working for a newspaper requires us to be always “on-call” doesn’t mean there’s no time for some R&R. Each department has a yearly summer outing to our destination of choice — all-expense paid by The STAR with allowance.

18. Everyone is being treated equally. Just like a real family, everyone is welcome to join in the company’s special celebration; eating and having fun together. Every first Friday of the month, employees are invited to attend the Mass.

19. The possibilities are endless. There’s no room to be stagnant because our editor helps us grow. He helps each one of us hone our talent. He continuously guides us in finding the good life.

20. We further develop other skills. We, too, have a participation in closing the section’s page by trying our hand in doing layouts.

21. We admit to our mistakes. Nobody’s perfect and that we, too, commit mistakes. As expected, our boss will point them out to us but we fix things without a heavy heart.

22. We do help each other. There’s this saying that two heads are better than one but for us, STAR troopers, it is best to hear from everyone.

23. We are concerned about each other. While others do not mind about their co-employees, here at The STAR, most of our brothers and sisters will make an effort to send a text message to check on you once they’ve learned that you’re sick.

24. We check each other’s work. Yes, we do some editing and proofreading of each other’s piece of writing.

25. STAR troopers support each other. Without any hint of hesitation, we help in every possible way during times of grief.

26. We’ve become endorsers. This is too much but because we are under Ricky Lo whose popularity cannot be ignored, we, alongside him, become Coby endorsers.

27. We get to experience having our own corner. As writers, having our colum pic beside the column titled 24/7 is something to be proud of. Not everyone has been given that wonderful chance.

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