Memorable buddy cop films quotes

MANILA, Philippines - In celebration of the first all-female buddy-cop film "The Heat", which has been getting rave reviews by the way, we look back at the most memorable quotes from the ones that have led the way. The films in this list are not exactly the best of the best but a means to encourage you to watch them, if you haven't yet, based on the quotes alone. 

Let's start with "The Heat" (read the review here), currently showing in Philippine theatres and starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy:

Agent Sarah Ashburn:   I’ve got to change.
Det. Shannon Mullins:   What’s the matter with your pantsuit?
Agent Sarah Ashburn:   It’s pajamas.
Det. Shannon Mullins:   I didn’t realize you slept in a tux.  Go ahead, get your top hat.
(The Heat, 2013)

Next: Rush Hour

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