Baron shooting int’l pic in Palawan

Baron Geisler has been personally handpicked by New York-trained director Don Gerardo Frasco to star in Waves, a romantic love story

MANILA, Philippines - Baron Geisler is making waves — literally.

The controversial actor sheds his bad boy image and turns up the charm for his latest movie, Waves, a romantic love story currently being shot on the exotic beaches of Palawan and Cebu.

Baron has been personally handpicked by New York-trained director Don Gerardo Frasco to star opposite Polish-American model/actress Ilona Struzik. Don is a native of Liloan, Cebu who pursued his filmmaking and photography studies at the International Academy of Film and Television and the New York Film Academy.

“It was director/cinematographer Jay Abello who contacted me on their behalf,” Baron narrates. “Apparently, the director saw some of my earlier movies like Jay, Asiong Salonga and El Presidente, and insisted on getting me for this flick.”

By some twist of fate, Don also bumped into a friend of Baron’s current girlfriend Isabelle Welcomton at a recent party, and relayed his wish to get in touch with Baron. Through Isabelle’s help, the two parties finally met, discussed the script and finalized the logistics for the month-long shoot.

“Because of the beach settings, this will definitely be a great way to showcase the beauty of the Philippines to foreign audiences,” Baron exclaims. “Aside from that, it’s also my first time to dabble in a love story, so that’s something new to look forward to. It’s pretty much like the movies Blue Valentine and 500 Days of Summer.”

“I’m supposed to play this rich kid who rekindles his friendship with this blonde, blue-eyed, international model who’s supposed to get married soon. The story unravels from there,” he shares. “We’ll be shooting some scenes in Cebu and this secluded island in Palawan called Busuanga. From what I’ve been told, I’m the only Filipino actor in the film.”

Baron is optimistic that this big break could be his ticket to the international film market. “Being multi-lingual definitely contributes to one’s worth as an actor,” he stresses. “I’m proud to say that I spoke fluent Spanish in El Presidente and spoke Kapampangan in Sapi (to be shown sometime this month).

“Although it’s slated for international release, my manager Arnold Vegafria is urging Don to have it shown in local theaters,” he adds. “Hopefully, we can push for a PG-13 rating.”

To live up to the physically-demanding role, Baron embarked on an intensive workout regimen, which includes running, boxing and weight training.

Brimming with a more positive vibe and renewed focus, Baron hopes to finally put an end to his wayward ways. “Everything’s just so positive now and I’m raring to better my acting craft,” he says. “I’m in a happy state. I don’t feel as depressed anymore. I sleep at 9 or 10 p.m., wake up at 5 a.m. and box at an Elorde Gym near our place in Fairview.”

He has also found spiritual refuge in the teachings of Houston, Texas-based pastor Joel Osteen, whose self-help YouTube videos have been a great influence and inspiration. Of his spiritual growth, Baron says, “It’s a work in progress. I take it one day at a time.”

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