Blind items & health tips

Here are some juicy items I gathered from showbiz-savvy friends, about the idiosyncrasy of some stars:

Did you know that, at the peak of her career, a certain actress would charter a plane to Davao just to buy her favorite suha? She told that to her belated manager who wondered why. So why? Said the actress, “Because I hate people staring at me! Ayoko ng tinitingnan-tingnan ako!” That was then. She can’t afford that now.

Did you know that a sexy drama actress is kiss-and-tell? Her favorite topic: Actors she has been intimate with, including Actor C who has a “method-acting” style in bed and Actor B whom she describes as (excuse for borrowing a term for gate-crashers) “a heart-breaker who eats and runs.”

Did you know that a Born-Again actress would first consult the Bible before deciding whether it was the proper time to do it or not, leaving her husband (who eventually separated from her) dry and dejected?

Meanwhile, here are some juicy health tips, also from friends who requested me “to pass them to people you love.” I’m doing it…for the benefit of everybody.

  • From Dr. Welson Yap:

Seven best stress-fighting food:

Papaya — Half a medium-size carries nearly 75 percent more Vitamin C than an orange.

Peppermint Tea — The mere scent of peppermint helps you focus and boosts performance.

Pumpkin Seeds — A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds gives you a day’s magnesium requirement.

Avocados — The green fruit has about 35 percent more potassium than banana.

Salmon — It helps in maintaining healthy levels of cortisol. One salmon fillet has as much tryptophan (sleeping-promoting amino acid) as you need in an entire day.

Almonds — Loaded with Vitamin C

Oatmeal — It induces steady flow of serotonin.

  • Forwarded to Funfare by Zed Carrion:

Correct timing of water intake maximizes its effectiveness to the human body:

• Two glasses of water 30 minutes before a meal help in digestion,

• One glass upon waking up helps activate internal organs,

• One glass before sleeping may help prevent stroke or heart attack, and

• One glass after taking a bath helps lower blood pressure.

  •  Forwarded to Funfare by Raoul Tidalgo:

Healthy-fruits tips from health-conscious friends:

• Pineapple contains phytochemicals

• Banana is good for digestion

• Guyabano is best against cancer

• Calamansi, dalandan and guava are rich in Vitamin C and are anti-oxidant

• Atis and chico improve stamina and memory

• Buko juice cleanses and detoxes the body

• Watermelon and papaya are good for the eyes

  • Forwarded to Funfare by an unidentified reader (presumably a health buff):

Important health tips:

• No cold drinks with fatty food

• Don’t take vitamins with cold water

• Drink more water in the morning, less at night

• Avoid huge meals after 5 p.m.

• Don’t lie down right after taking medicine

• Best sleeping time is from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. for good cells to regenerate

• Answer celfone by left ear

• When power/signal is down to last bar, don’t answer celfone as radiation is 1,000 times stronger

  • And according to Dr. Welson Yap, here’s the cholesterol content per 100 grams of the following:

• Egg white, 0

• Cucumber, 0

• Lapu-lapu, 4

• Cow’s milk, 7

• Dilis, 19

• Human milk, 20

• Clam, 21

• Tilapia, 21

• Cheese, 34

• Eel, 40

• Sardines, 41

• Ice cream, 45

• Bangus, 52

• Shrimp, 53

• Squid, 56

• Chocolate, 56

• Chicken, 63

• Beef, 65

• Pork, 69

• Crab, 73

• Galunggong, 74

• Bagoong, 76

• Prawn, 89

• Ham, 100

• Lengua, 101

• Pigeon, 110

• Pig liver, 190

• Lobster, 200

• Balut, 515

• Egg yolk, 732

• Quail egg yolk, 932

• Pig brain, 1,644

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