Official press statement from SKY Cable

MANILA, Philippines - SKY, together with GMA Network and the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), has been working hand-in-hand to explore necessary procedures to be undertaken in order to resolve the signal disruption issue at hand, as per their meeting last Feb. 6. 

In the meantime, subscribers who are experiencing the said DigiBox problem can fix this manually by rescanning their DigiBox as follows:

• Press MENU on the remote and select INSTALLATION.

• Select RESTORE DEFAULT and press OK twice.

• Press MENU again and select INSTALLATION.

• Select MANUAL SCAN/INSTALL. Type 447.0 beside FREQUENCY and choose NIT under SEARCH MODE.

• Go to START SEARCH and press OK.

• Once scanning is complete, press EXIT to return to tv viewing.

We regret this temporay inconvenience and extend our apologies for any difficulty brought about by this system upgrade.

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