How the stars would spend their last day on earth

Tomorrow morning when you wake up (according to the popular song), and the sun does not appear, don’t worry it’s not the end of the world as doomsayers have been saying. Experts from the NASA to Pilipino Star Ngayon (PSN) fortune-teller Madame Rosa have helped calm the nerves of the scared world. Yes, the Mayan Calendar ends tomorrow, Dec. 21, as will the Gregorian Calendar Year 2012 on Monday, Dec. 31.

But what if, just IF, the world does end (horrors!!!) tomorrow. How would you spend your last day on earth? (Are you asking me? “Well, I will forgive those who have sinned against me and ask forgiveness from those I have sinned against.”)

I asked 40 stars and only the following responded; perhaps the rest were too scared or too busy to worry, and what for? The world is ending, anyway.

 SUSAN ROCES: I am attending a wedding tonight on Roxas Boulevard. If I have good company, I might wait until 12 midnight by the sea. I will make sure I am awake when the clock strikes 12 to witness for myself how the world will end. Will I still be able to tell you?

 EDDIE GARCIA: If the world ends today, I’ll spend my last day as I do on any other day. Anyway, the world is ending. When you are dead, you are dead.

 VILMA SANTOS: I will spend it with my family and we will all go TOGETHER!!!

 BONG REVILLA: I’d like to spend it with my family and just savor every moment together. I will also grab the chance to thank all the people who supported me all the way. I know I wouldn’t be who and what I am now without them. Lastly, I’d like to have a quiet time with God to thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed on me and my family. Truly, He is the source of everything that I have. I just want to lift all the glory and honor to Him.

 WILLIE REVILLAME: Good, para I’m safe!

 MIKE ENRIQUEZ: My wife Baby and I would go to the church of many years of my life…the Sta. Ana Church…and pray and just sit there and feel the comforting presence of God and of our patroness, Our Lady of the Abandoned, until the end comes.

 JOSE MARI CHAN: I would gather all my children and grandchildren on a beach at sunset and give thanks for the Gift of Life.

 GLORIA DIAZ: I would have our last supper, get my kids and other family members and my friends together…and then pray, eat and talk about the past.

 MARGIE MORAN-FLOIRENDO: I would spend it with my whole family, especially my two daughters, praying for salvation.

 KUH LEDESMA: I would pray a lot and share Jesus to those who don’t know Him and tell them that salvation is a gift because He already paid for all our sins on the cross. Ephesians 2:8-9

 OGIE ALCASID: I would be with my entire family, praying. We would wait for our rejoicing with our Farther in heaven.

 JINKEE PACQUIAO: I would spend my last day on earth in prayer…praying for all the people and our nation.

 ARNOLD CLAVIO: I would spend it just the same. If it would happen, I wish that I’d be on air and doing the news about it. Sa huling sandali, ang gusto kong ginagawa ko ay ‘yung mahal sa akin. I would just leave my trust in my Creator because I know He would protect me and my loved ones.

 BASIL VALDEZ: Let me quote Matthew 24:36 — “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Therefore, I would most probably be at home on Dec. 21, watching TV.

 CESAR MONTANO: I will still do the same. I won’t change anything. I will live each day like it’s my last day. Always for God’s glory!

 CAMILLE VILLAR: It doesn’t matter where or how just as long as I am with the people that I love.

 CHRISTIAN BAUTISTA: I’ll spend it tweeting everyone I know, “Guys, the world is not going to end today. Relax!”

 BRILLANTE “DANTE” MENDOZA: Watch a Dardene Brothers film with my loved one!

 BO CERRUDO: On that last day, I would just sit in a quiet corner, clear my mind, meditate, continue forgiving all wrongdoings, bless and thank the universe for all the countless blessings.

 RYAN CAYABYAB: Hard to think what I would do. I would probably be writing a new musicale or a huge choral-symphonic work to be played by a host of angels as doomsday wears on! In other words, I would probably be doing what I normally do on any given ordinary day.

 ALEX VINCENT MEDINA: Hmmmm, I would make peace with everyone who’s ever had any issues with me and give them a hug and whisper to them, “I love you!”

There you are.

Tomorrow morning when you wake up and the sun does not appear, maybe there’s another storm coming. Otherwise, as it did yesterday and, for sure (good weather prevailing), it will do the day after tomorrow, the sun will appear, so, as another song goes, let the sunshine in!

These are some of the things that we should pray should the world end:

Corruption in the government.

Politicians not fit to be in their positions.

Criminality, so we will be safe, especially on the streets and, yes, right in our own homes.

Public servants who look the other way when passing by those poor street kids sleeping on sidewalks with empty stomachs.

The network war because it’s being endlessly waged at the expense of televiewers (so why can’t networks unite as they did in that rare, memorable tribute to Dolphy?).

Wars in various parts of the world (as the late John Lennon said, “Give peace a chance!”).


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