NCCA calls for project proposals

MANILA, Philippines - The National Commission for Culture and the Arts, (NCCA headed by chairman Felipe de Leon Jr. and executive director Emelita Almosara CESO IV, encourages cultural and art groups, academic institutions, local arts organizations, non-government organizations involved in culture and arts and others to submit their project proposals for the NCCA Grants Program for 2013. Deadline is Aug. 30.

The priority projects for 2013 has been defined by the 19 national committees under the four subcommissions which are the National Committee on Architecture and Allied Arts, National Committee on Cinema, National Committee on Dance, National Committee on Dramatic Arts, National Committee on Literary Arts, National Committee on Music and National Committee on Visual Arts of the Subcommission on the Arts; Northern, Central and Southern Cultural Communities of the Subcommission on Cultural Communities and Traditional Arts; National Committees on Archives, Art Galleries, Libraries and Information Services, Historical Research, Monuments and Sites and Museums under the Subcommission on Cultural Heritage and under the Subcommission on Cultural Dissemination, the National Committees on Cultural Education, Communication and Language and Translation.

As underlying theme, projects to be funded by the NCCA must capture the aspiration of the arts and culture community, expressed by NCCA’s vision in the 21st century: “Filipino culture as the wellspring of national and global well-being.”

Furthermore, projects must establish culture as pillar of sustainable development, advance creativity and diversity of artistic expression and promote a strong sense of nationhood and pride in being Filipino through culture and arts.

Through the National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts (NEFCA), the NCCA Grants Program provides support to individuals and organizations in fields that are aligned with the Philippine culture and arts and in accordance with the defined priorities of each of the national committee. The NCCA provides funds for projects for the promotion, development and conservation of Philippine culture and arts, and it continuously encourages collaborative efforts which provides significant contributions to the realization of the mandate of the NCCA.

(For details, call 527-2192 or log on to

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