Rexona Confidence girls go for online stardom

Sisters Saab (left) and Maxene Magalona grace the event

MANILA, Philippines - Iya Acuña and Anya Ong, former cheerleaders and college buddies, won the Rexona Confidence Project. Embodying the confidence of the Rexona women, the two bested almost a hundred pairs of women who joined the search. As Rexona Confidence girls, they will star in Rexona’s first online YouTube series and will get the chance to bring home P500,000.

Iya is a headhunter for an employment agency, while Anya works as a writer and producer for a television network. Both taking a leave of absence from their work, Iya and Anya will go on a fun-filled and challenging 30-day adventure. Their daily adventures, which will run until Aug. 1, will be uploaded to Rexona’s YouTube’s channel and Facebook page every day.

Joining Iya and Anya in some of their challenging but fun adventures are sisters Maxene and Saab Magalona. Adding excitement and girl power is Jasmine Curtis Smith who will also join the girls in one of their challenges.

Promising more than just fun and adventure, the Rexona Confidence Project encourages young women to live each day with confidence and inspire them to step out of their comfort zones, take risks and embrace life’s exciting possibilities.    

Iya Acuña and Anya Ong will go on a fun-filled and challenging 30-day adventure

The event, hosted by celebrity DJs Andi Manzano and Jessica Mendoza, was attended by Maxene and Saab with their mom Pia.

To follow the fun and exciting adventures of Iya and Anya, log on to

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