Lamb of God drummer speaks up for animals

MANILA, Philippines - With hardcore metal group Lamb of God playing at the World Trade Center next week, I thought you might be interested to know that the band’s drummer, Chris Adler, has a soft spot for animals. When not busy performing, practicing or writing new material, Chris can be found speaking up for animal rights. Sitting behind his drum kit, he appears in an ad for peta2 — the youth arm of PETA US — beside the words he wrote himself: “My marriage, my relationships and family, my accomplishments with my band and my choice to be vegetarian are not only things I am proud of, they define me. I am Chris Adler, and I am a vegetarian.”

In an interview with peta2, Chris said he was “always really into having pets and felt a real connection with animals” from an early age, and although he stopped eating red meat when he learned the facts about factory farming, he still ate chicken — until he saw a truck full of chickens on their way to slaughter. “We were on tour and saw a chicken truck go by with these chickens that were just bleeding — it was just disgusting. And that was it. I haven’t had a piece of it since.” He believes it’s important that people are educated about what’s really happening on factory farms and in slaughter houses. “The issue with the whole thing is education and information. Most people don’t think about it.”

Lamb of God is playing in Manila on Feb. 18 at the World Trade Center.

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