How to keep a positive attitude

We are always told to act our age. But for me “acting our age,” whatever that means, does not always apply. Even adults need to revisit their childhood, not just for the memories but to actually relive those carefree days.

I have been through a lot. But if there is anything I did not lose aside from my faith, it’s my sense of humor. It’s a puzzle to some how it is possible to project like royalty on stage and then goof around as soon as the lights go down.

But to me, it’s quite simple. I have never been someone who tolerated pretenses. Keeping perfect poise on stage does not mean being cold and stiff the rest of the time. In fact, nothing makes you want to loosen up and have fun more than spending hours in a corset gown and mile-high heels, with your hair piled on top of your head, held by countless pins and kept in place with half a can of hairspray.

It is such a cliché but it is true that laughter is the best medicine. You can live the healthiest lifestyle, but it’s not that effective if it’s not paired with a good disposition as well. If you give off positive energy, people will be drawn to you.

‘Finding the bright spot even during the darkest hours strengthens you and it keeps you looking good.’

I take things seriously. I take my relationships, career and my faith seriously in the sense that I value them. Nothing can ever keep me down for too long. Like any normal human being, I do get a little blue at times but my sprit never fails to rise back up again.

For instance, I am forever defined by that “major, major” episode at the Miss Universe pageant. I came so close to winning the title! Some people laughed at me, I just laughed with them. Nobody is perfect, we all have our moments. The only difference was mine was broadcast internationally. But as someone who sees my glass as half full rather than half empty, I did not waste time dwelling how things could have gone differently. I accepted the fact that God was, is and will always be in control. I trusted that He had something else for me. I am still in the process of discovering that plan and my enthusiasm has not wavered one bit.

I have learned that finding the bright spot even during the darkest hours, is one of the best spiritual exercises one can engage in. It strengthens you — and keeps you looking good. It takes more muscles to frown than to laugh.

Nowadays seem to be a greater challenge more than ever. But if we keep a positive attitude and the strongest faith, there is no reason why we should not overcome challenges. Cheers, everyone!

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