Men in our lives

Since I wrote about mothers in this column last week, I felt it was also timely to write about fathers this time around.

I did not get the chance to know my biological father. I was already past pre-school when my mom met my stepfather. Although it really was my mother who stood as the main influence in my life, I am grateful to my stepfather who has been a constant source of support for our family. He gives us a sense of security. My stepfather is literally the only man in the house — the only thorn among the roses. He is the only father I know.

That is why I could only imagine the pain of Dianne Necio, the reigning Bb. Pilipinas-International, when her father passed away just recently. Dianne lost her mother early in life, so it was her father, Edwin Necio, whom she grew close to. Although he was already diagnosed with cardiomyopathy back in 2006, nothing could prepare Dianne for the eventual loss of her beloved father.

It must be a bittersweet time for Dianne, since his death came so shortly after winning the Bb. Pilipinas-International crown. My heart goes out to Dianne at this time of loss and I wish her strength and courage as she now has to pursue her dreams with more independence. I am sure this will only build her character even more.

It is always sad to lose a loved one. We just hold on to their memories and cherish them. At times of loss, we are always reminded to make the best of our lives and to show our love to those who matter to us while they are still alive — to make sure there are no regrets. Simple displays of care and affection are always welcome. Sometimes we get too caught up with our busy schedules. I work hard for my family but I also have to remind myself to set aside time for them. I just pray for God to help me balance my time and resources because we only have one life to live and we have to make the most and best out of it.

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