New shows on 2nd Avenue

MANILA, Philippines - 2nd Avenue’s newest sitcom Outsourced tells the story of Todd Dempsey (Ben Rappaport), an American sent to Mumbai to head a call center for an American novelties company. Todd, the lone American, realizes that his employees need a crash course in all things American if they are to understand the zany novelty items they need to sell. From whoopee cushions, foam fingers and wallets made of bacon, Todd schools his sales team on the unusual and unnecessary items they need to push to hike up sales.

 But as much as Todd teaches the ways of his own culture he soon realizes that he too needs to learn about Indian culture to better understand his workers. Having never ventured out of the country, Todd is unprepared for the culture shock. Watch as he learns how to board an Indian train, the Hindu language, the Indian diet of curry and traditional Indian courtship. This is one sitcom that will have you losing yourself in translation. Catch the special premiere telecast of Outsourced tomorrow at 9 a.m. and the primetime telecast at 8:30 p.m. on 2nd Avenue.

Meet husband and wife design team Bob and Cortney Novogratz the creative force behind the design firm Sixx Design and stars of 2nd Avenue’s newest docu-series 9 by Design. They buy properties, gut them and build amazing homes out of the most unusual sites. From gun shops to glass houses, Bob and Courtney move in with their six children, put it on the market and once sold move on to the next project. 9 by Design will leave you with a serious case of interior design jealousy and lust. Over the course of the season watch as the twosome work on a 24-room hotel on the New Jersey Shore called The Bungalow Hotel, a 10,000-square foot glass house on Manhattan’s West Side Highway and a home conversion of a gun shop located on the edge of Soho. Buying spaces, transforming them into dream homes to be sold is a challenging business, but as Cortney says, “We are risk takers. We look at places no one else would ever dream of looking at.”

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