Ayen Laurel inside out

Ayen Laurel plays Meni in Banaag At Sikat Isang Rock Musical, based on Lope K. Santos’ literary opus Banaag at Sikat (with National Artist for Literature Bienvenido Lumbera as librettist, Salvador Bernal as production designer and Lucien Letaba, composer). She plays the willful daughter of Don Ramon Miranda (played by Greg de leon), who marries his artist/writer boyfriend (portrayed by Al Gatmaitan) against her father’s wishes.

Ayen took formal voice lessons at the University of Sto. Tomas Conservatory of Music, and Theater Arts at the University of the Philippines. She played the lead role of Sita in Rama Hari at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in 1991. She also produced Rama at Sita in 1999 at the UP Theater. In 2008 Ayen portrayed Gia Almonte/Atang Dela Rama in Dulaang UP’s Atang, for which she garnered the 2009 Aliw Award for Best Stage Actress in a Musical.

In the recording front, she released her first album, Ayen, where she earned the Outstanding Performer of the Year for Music Video in the 16th Awit Awards for her music video Bawat Gabi. Her second album, Thankful, was released in 2004. She is also an Aliw Awardee in 2007 for Best Performance in a Concert Collaboration for her concert series The Best Of Us with Raymond Lauchengco. Lately, she was cast in the movie Here Comes The Bride and in Sigwa which was an entry to Cinemalaya 2010. Ayen endorses Zen Institute Medical Spa. Banaag at Sikat opens on Aug. 18 at the CCP Tanghalang Aurelio Tolentino and will run for two weeks. Here’s more of Ayen:

1. If there is one song that best describes you, what is it and why?

Meadowlark. Because the song describes my life then and now.

2. Are you a generous lover?

I am generous of my love.

3. If you have the chance to sing for one famous world figure, who would it be and why?

I would love to sing for US President Barack Obama. It would be an honor to perform for a man who inspired a lot of people around the world including myself.

4. How often do you lie?

I don’t lie. I always speak the truth.

5. What did you want to be as a child?

I wanted to be a teacher.

6. What makes you cry?

A lot of things… goodbyes, songs that are close to my heart, reading letters from my children, singing praise and worship songs to the Lord.

7. Name 10 best musicals (local and foreign) of all time?

1. Rama at Sita, 2. Atang, 3. Miss Saigon, 4. The Phantom of the Opera, 5. Les Miserables, 6. Sunset Blvd., 7. Mamma Mia, 8. RENT, 9. Wicked, 10. Fosse

8. If you can choose your name, what would it be and why?

I love my name, I never thought of changing it and I never will.

9. What is your ultimate dream as an entertainer?

It is to uplift Philippine Theatre as an art form not just in our own country but to make it known all over the world. We have a wealth of talents here not just the artists that perform on stage but also in the creative department.

10. Three things you would like to do before you die?

1. Travel the world again. 2. To build an orphanage. 3. To write a musical.

11. Your life will be turned into one big musical. How would you title it?

Misteryo at Katotohanan the Musical

12. What do you like most about your job? What don’t you like about it?

I like the purging process each time I perform on stage. I don’t like the long hours of waiting during tapings and the lack of sleep because of it.

13. How do you handle fame?

I don’t think about it. I never let it get into my head.

14. If you have the power to solve all the problems in the country, what will you solve first?


15. What makes you laugh?

I like laughing, so anything makes me laugh. Simple conversations with my children and Franco. Laugh trips with my friends just about anything.

16. How do you say goodbye to a loved one?

With a hug and giving the assurance that I love them.

17. If you had an extra P100-M, how will you spend it?

I would travel with Franco and our children for six months, shopping and eating and enjoying every minute of it.

18. What is your motto?

To love the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind.

19. How would you like to be remembered?

As a loving wife and mother.

20. What do you do when you are lonely?

I read books and watch my favorite movies again and again.

21. If you were to come back as another person or thing, what do you think you would be?

I would be a brain surgeon.

22. Do you believe in heaven? If yes, how do you get there? If no, why?

Yes! By believing that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

23. If you go to hell, who do you want to be with you?

I am not going to hell.

24. A genie is in front of you and you are to make three wishes. What would they be and why?

1. To end poverty all over the world. 2. For us to have no Visa required for traveling all over the world. 3. To eat everything I like and not get fat at all.

25. The most expensive item you bought for yourself?


26. What is your favorite expression?

English: Oh my goodness. Tagalog: Ay Kabayo!

27. How do you spoil yourself?

I go to the spa to pamper myself. And I love eating in good restaurants.

28. What other talent would you like to have? Why?

I would like to dance ballet. Because I am a frustrated ballet dancer.

29. What is love?

Love never fails.

30. The best gift you ever received?

Everything that Franco gave me.

31. Who are your musical influences?

My father Emy Munji and Barbra Streisand.

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