Five Jersey girls on SOLARtv

MANILA, Philippines - SOLARtv is heading to the Garden State for the newest installment, The Real Housewives of New Jersey. The highly anticipated series premieres on Aug. 2 on SOLARtv. The series follows five of the most affluent Jersey Girls as they live lavish lifestyles and deal with all the drama that money can buy.

The hair is big, but the drama is bigger in the newest installment of the Real Housewives franchise, The Real Housewives of New Jersey. For the first time in franchise history, the ladies are more than just friends — joining the cast are two sisters, who are married to two brothers — and one sister-in-law, bringing a whole new level of familial drama to the table. While family remains a priority for each of these women, their shopping, decorating, dating and even fighting are all over-the-top.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey is a reality-TV program on the Bravo network.

The five housewives featured on the show are Teresa Giudice, Jacqueline Laurita, Caroline Manzo, Dina Manzo, and Danielle Staub. For the first time, the series follows related housewives: sisters Caroline and Dina are married to brothers Albert and Tommy Manzo; while Jacqueline Laurita is married to Caroline and Dina’s brother, Chris Laurita.

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