How to smoke by not smoking

I was having my midnight pre-prod meeting for The Bottomline on a Chinese restaurant in Tomas Morato when I bumped into ace photographer, Kristine Soguilon and advertising director turned television character actor (he is now a semi regular cast at ABS-CBN’s fashion serye Magkaribal) RS Francisco. We exchanged pleasantries and chatted lightly about things when RS pulled out a cigaret-looking thing out of his pocket and smoked it. RS’s (who is actually a non-smoker) “cigaret” was magnificently lighting up blue. And it was not even fire at the cigaret tip, but only cool blue LED light.

I used to smoke. But I quit 10 years ago. I was at the Baguio Country Club as speaker for the Insurance agents when the night before I was to deliver my speech, I had spasms and I could hardly breathe. I also lost my voice. I prayed hard like I never prayed before that if I got my voice back, I would never smoke again. I regained my voice. And on the day I was to speak before hundreds of people, marketing managers, sponsors, stakeholders and account managers, I swore never to touch a cigaret again. And I never did.

I am glad with the introduction of Janty e-cigs. People who are having a hard time quitting smoking will find good company in Janty e-cigs. Janty helps smokers quit not necessarily the cool attitude, but only the intake of some 4,000 toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. Yes, you can now puff and feel the nicotine rush, minus the carbon monoxide and other deadly chemicals. You also avoid the foul breath your partner revolts against whenever you kiss, the stinky smoke that sticks to your clothes and hair, and everything we just hate about cigaret smoking.

A European non-tobacco product innovation, Janty (pronounced YAN-TEE ) electronic cigaret is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide as the most effective means to quit smoking. Janty features microelectronic controls that vaporize the air and mix it. You only produce harmless, odorless vapor that even your fire alarm sensors don’t treat as smoke. It’s 100 percent healthy and environmentally friendly.

Janty looks like a cigaret but doesn’t contain tar. It’s just about the size of a regular cigaret. It’s made of lightweight metal, plastic, and rubber that give you a feel of real cigaret on your mouth. Then there are flavors to choose from: cappuccino, banana, strawberry, mint, tobacco and even Marlboro. There is also no need for a lighter to light it up. Just smoke it and that’s it. Consuming a cartridge is like smoking 1.5 packs. It is battery operated so all you need to do is recharge it for 30 minutes to an hour.

Janty e-cig is one of the best selling products of Frontrow Enterprise Philippines a company where RS is a partner. Janty e-cig is starting to change the lives of some 1.45 billion smokers all over the world. Frontrow Enterprise Philippines, Inc. (Frontrow) is a promising and rapidly expanding direct selling company in the health, beauty, and wellness industry. It was hailed in the 2010 Philippines Yearbook: The All New Power 88 as the hottest multi-level marketing firm of today’s generation. It was founded by RS and Sam Verzosa (an engineer and owner of a number of multi-million business ventures).

RS shares how health and wellness have been his passion even during his early days in theater way back 2000. “My fetish for looking presentable and good has led me to finding the most effective health and wellness products in the market, which I did. Even during the time when gluta and placenta weren’t popular yet, I was already so into it.” A former agent in direct sale companies, RS managed to merge his extensive experience in marketing and advertising with his passion to stay healthy and look great.

Sam is RS’ good friend way back in college. A natural businessman, he partnered with RS to put up Frontrow. He was excited with the idea of a health, beauty and wellness direct selling company that mixes a little advertising, modeling and marketing. “What’s exciting about Frontrow is that we bring high-end wellness products closer to consumers, usually within the twenties age bracket, at friendly costs. We redefine beauty and wellness by showing that it’s not always expensive to stay healthy and look wonderful,” shares Sam.

From its humble beginnings in Dec. 2009, Frontrow has grown into becoming a major competitor in direct selling of top of the line skin care, slimming, and anti-ageing products. It now has 6,000 agents nationwide and supplies clients in the Luzon and the southern Visayas area. Before 2010 ends, Frontrow Bacolod will open to expand operations down south. Two more branches in Mindanao are well underway.

Truly, it pays to be in the Frontrow. Visit Frontrow at 3rd Floor, Il Terrazzo Tomas Morato corner Scout Madrinian, Quezon City. Or call the Frontrow Hotline at (+632) 917-514-2285 or visit

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