Juicy Cat Dolls levels up

MANILA, Philippines - The Juicy Cat Dolls series has become bigger and bolder since its debut on February.

Featuring Mitch Valdes and Nanette Inventor with Pilita Corrales, the comedy-and-musical revue has proved itself to be a dynamic one that feeds off from the vibe of the various audiences it has played to, and builds on the changes in society’s landscape these past months.

No wonder that the next installment of The Juicy Cat Dolls at the Music Museum on July 16 and Aug. 6 has been dubbed “the repeat and more.” The musical numbers have been streamlined and upgraded, and the comedy, especially between Nanette and Mitch during their face off portion as politicians’ wives, made harder hitting and uber farcical. 

Indeed, if people who have watched the show thought they have seen it all, then they have another thing coming. Those who will see it for the first time will likely wish they had watched earlier. Juicy Cat Dolls has everything, as the song goes, for “kids from one to 92.”

Then again, the credit for its success also belongs to the people behind the scenes. Director Floy Quintos has obviously been on his toes in ensuring that the show’s pacing is right on. Scriptwriter Ricky Lopez has kept a pulse on what’s hot which ultimately ends up being talked about onstage, coated in humor with a dash of sarcasm (but of course!).  Choreographer Andrew Ferraris and musical director Monet Silvestre just do what they do best.

The Juicy Cat Dolls will also go on a major US and Canada tour in October.

Presented by Maxi-Music Incorporated, The Juicy Cat Dolls: No Preservatives Added is sponsored by La Scala Cafe at M. Adriatico, Lighthouse Studio, Manila Bulletin, The Philippine Star and Business World.

For details, call 891-9999. Interested blockbuyers may forward their inquiries to maxi.musicinc@yahoo.com.   

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