Xenical does wonders for TV host-entrepreneur

MANILA, Philippines – Former TV-host-turned-entrepreneur Ana Amigo-Antonio credits Xenical for her weight loss. The owner-manager of Chocolate Clothing Company claimed that she can now wear her store’s “fab clothes” after she has lost weight and trimmed her waist line by eight inches.

Here’s good news from Ana, Augusto Villanueva (general-manager of Roche Philippines, Inc.) and Patty Nuqui (brand manager of Roche Philippines): Xenical (Orlistat) has just launched the “One Size Smaller” Challenge where Xenical users can get 50 percent discount on new outfits at Chocolate Clothing Company plus a chance to win a P5,000 monthly clothing allowance in the same store, starting last April 15 and ending on Aug. 14.

Make sure to buy Xenical at participating Mercury Drug or Watsons stores by June 14.

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