The best titles of 2008 on video

Magnavision Home Video presents the best titles of 2008. Relive the stories of Iron Man, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, The Incredible Hulk, Hancock, Wanted and the beloved Dreamworks animation Kung Fu Panda. For males, video releases include The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and Hellboy II: The Golden Army (directed by the critically-acclaimed Guillermo del Toro).

Adding to the extended holiday is the musical adaptation Mamma Mia.

Magnavision VCDs and DVDs are available in video stores nationwide.

Get a Whooper, Whooper Jr. two regular drinks from Burger King and free Iron Man VCD for P275, Whooper, one regular drink and free Iron Man VCD at P199, and Whooper Jr., one regular drink and free Iron Man VCD for 149. Promo is ongoing in all Burger King outlets.

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