From Kris, with love

I’m putting this on the record: Kris Aquino is the very first showbiz personality who sent me a Christmas card, dated Dec. 6, attached to a box of Sierra Madre alkaline water (“For your good health”) and a copy of the World Vision Scholar booklet (“For your soul”).

The printed dedication read: Merry Christmas from our family to yours. With love from, James, Kris, Josh and Baby James.

The photo (above) on the front page shows Kris and James and their two boys and the one on the second page shows the Family Four with Kris’ mom, former Pres. Cory Aquino, Kris’ brother Noynoy, her sisters (Ballsy, Pinky and Viel) and their husbands, and Kris’ nephews and nieces.

It’s a portrait of one big happy family.

In this age ruled by text-messaging, only very, very few people bother to send cards, that’s why I treasure this one, coming as it does from a long-time friend like my Dear Kris.

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