The Rose of Humanity

It came like a belated birthday present for her – this most recent award given to actress and humanitarian Rosa Rosal.

Last Oct. 16, Ms. Rosal turned 75 quietly (she was just home when I called her up early evening to greet her Happy Birthday!).

Rosa Rosal frowns on lavish celebrations because she thinks that money spent on cakes, flowers and balloons should just be given to charity – her favorite charity in particular: her blood bank which is her baby.

In the past, I would go out of my way to buy her birthday presents – usually yards of fabric (in her favorite red color) that she would give to her modista to turn into a dress she could wear to her Damayan public affairs show on Channel 4.

In recent years, however, I learned that though she appreciated the gifts I gave her, it made her even happier to accept (in lieu of presents) even little donations to the Red Cross (she’d send you back a receipt promptly). Unfortunately, I had to "pass" this year because I was a victim of Typhoon "Milenyo" and she understood that – having been among the first to come to my rescue during that most trying moment of my life.

It was after she had made sure that I was okay and in one piece that she broke to me this wonderful news about the Order of the Golden Heart.

Created by Executive Order 40-A on June 21, 1954, it was originally called the Golden Heart Presidential Award, but was later renamed Order of the Golden Heart.

A certificate from Malacañang states that "the Golden Heart gives official recognition to Filipinos or foreign citizens who have rendered distinguished services or given noteworthy monetary or other material aid, encouragement to the campaign for the amelioration and improvement of the moral, social and economic conditions of the Filipino masses, and for volunteerism in the service of the Filipino masses."

Rosa Rosal can no longer count with her fingers the number of awards she has received since she joined the Red Cross as a young volunteer 56 years ago. (At the peak of her acting career, she used whatever time she had left doing work for the Red Cross – instead of night clubbing, which most other stars did in those days.)

In the past seven years or so, I’ve personally witnessed her accept these distinguished recognitions from respected organizations and institutions. In 1999, for instance, I was in the audience when she was given the Ramon Magsaysay Award for public service that came with a $50,000 cash prize, which went straight to a trust fund that is being used to finance the education of poor, but deserving students. (So far, about 200 students have already graduated from college – mostly with honors – with her financial help.)

Last year, she also received the Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, from the Far Eastern University and prior to that, the Ora et Labora (prayer and work) Award from San Beda College.

From the movies, her contributions as one of the greatest – if not the greatest – Filipino actresses have been recognized many times over. I even became her personal escort when she received a lifetime achievement award from Mowelfund in 2003. Oh, how proud I was of her when she went up on stage to accept her plaque.

For the Order of the Golden Heart, I was unable to be with her. But daughter Toni Rose Gayda and grandson John – plus her siblings – were at the Heroes’ Hall of Malacañang to witness her receive a medal (handcrafted by the Central Bank) from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last Oct. 26.

It was a happy occasion for the two accomplished women since Mrs. Arroyo is aware how close Rosa Rosal was to her father, the late President Diosdado Macapagal.

Ms. Rosal actually was well-loved by other Philippine presidents – from the time of Ramon Magsaysay, who back then already gave her a presidential award, to Ferdinand Marcos and, much later, Fidel Ramos who also gave her presidential citations.

Although she didn’t get any official recognition from Cory Aquino, Rosa Rosal was more than happy enough to have received from the Aquino government a piece of equipment for the blood bank.

During the time of Joseph Estrada, she was given the title Rose of Humanity – plus P5-M that again went straight to the blood bank. (Not a centavo from the donations she has received all these decades had gone to her pocket – not even to buy a bottle of Coke to quench her thirst after all that hard work.)

She equally treasures, of course, her Order of the Golden Heart Award (it’s the second highest presidential award – next only to Sikatuna, which is given to diplomats) because it caps 56 years of tireless service and dedication to the Red Cross.

Ten years ago, every time we would talk, Tita Rose would tell me that it was her wish to be able to reach her 50th year with the Red Cross. Wish granted and she is still very active with the organization as I write this.

Now she’s batting for 60.

If you ask me, she should already stop counting. With all the help – unequaled, I daresay – she has already extended to humanity, she’ll be in our hearts forever.

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