Friends & Lovers

It drizzled early that Saturday morning, Sept. 23, and everybody said, "Oh, good luck!"

But toward mid-morning when the drizzle turned into a shower (too much "good luck"?), everybody wore that "Oh, no!" expression.

But the rain didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the radiant bride, Robyn Stephanie Martinez, and the slightly-nervous groom, Anthony Darren Bulacan. Or that of their families (led by Robyn’s parents, Redentor and Alice Martinez who produce concerts featuring artists from the Philippines; and Anthony’s parents, Federico and Lilia Bulacan) and the select guests, some of them coming from other states and a few from as far as the Philippines.

Never mind, that is, if the garden wedding (Plan A) scheduled at 11 o’clock that morning, had to be scrapped in favor of Plan B which meant holding the affair in one of the function rooms of Shadowbrook in Shrewsbury, New Jersey, USA, a 15-minute drive away from the sprawling Ocean Place Resort where the Martinezes and the Bulacans and some of the guests were billeted.

It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The cozy function room made the affair more intimate, a fitting setting for "friends ever" becoming "lovers forever." Yes, Robyn and Anthony have been bosom buddies for so long, starting way back in school, that it seemed natural for them to become sweethearts. When he finally proposed, they shared a good laugh. It was more of a formality.

Quiet tears were shed by most everybody as David Foster songs kicked off the ceremony, followed by Klazz Brothers’ Air of the G-String (for the processional), Pachelbel’s Canon in D (for the bridal processional), Kenny G’s The Wedding Song (for the bride’s entrance) and Mendelssolm’s Wedding March (for the recessional). Midway through the ceremony, singer Jennifer Cuneta did a stirring version of The Prayer.

The officiant, Rev. Fr. Vincent J. Rumain, spiced up his sermon with humor (anecdotes about married couples).

After the brief ceremony (over in barely one hour), the function room reverberated with heart-warming applause as the groom, relaxed now, kissed the teary-eyed bride.

And then, everybody retreated to the dining hall to partake of Baked Norwegian Salmon, Broiled Prime Filet Mignon, Rissole Potatoes & Saute of French Julienne (with Yellow Squash, Zucchini and Carrots) and an assortment of desserts (chocolate cake, ice cream, Belgian waffles and chocolate-dipped fruits).

The band played and dancing followed as blasts from the past (direct from the family albums of both families) were flashed on the monitor, giving the affair a bit of nostalgia.

The newlyweds didn’t say where their honeymoon would be.
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