Close encounter with the third kind

HOLLYWOOD – This place would have to be part of the definition of the word "freedom."

I happen to basically spend most of my learning years in Los Angeles, and I’d have to tell you freedom in L.A. is not very hard to find.

They have laws that specifically state all kinds of freedom people have rights for.

Rumors hardly ever make it to the other end of the community. Unlike Manila, people just don’t really care much.

I guess that’s why Americans are so broad-minded and liberated in their own way. They are so liberated that PDA (Public Display of Affection) is no longer an issue; it’s actually very normal for them.

And if gay men are dominant in Manila, well, they basically got their own city here in Los Angeles.

West Hollywood is the hot spot for gay individuals. Majority of the gay bars are located along Santa Monica Boulevard. So, if we got "Girl Power," "Gay Power" also exists!

I have a couple of gay friends here and they decided to take me out to a gay bar a few days ago.

That was going to be my first night-out in Hollywood! Whee! But honestly, going to a gay bar didn’t sound all too appetizing for me.

I was thinking more of a nice, cool, hip-hop club so I can also check out some, you know, "beautiful people."

But I was down to try something new. It was actually a 21-and-over club, and I was lucky enough that we went on a Sunday night and they weren’t really too strict on checking IDs. Besides, I wasn’t really planning on drinking alcohol anyway.

The club was packed! Everywhere I turned, I saw gorgeous men with their shirts off just dancing away and having so much fun!

As we were walking into the club, a couple of guys, or, I guess, gay guys grabbed me and literally told me that I was "tempting."

I was in shock! I mean these men weren’t just some guys in the club, they were really hunky and handsome! So, I just smiled and said thanks.

That definitely put a plus on my "confidence meter." Who wouldn’t, right?! Hehehe...

A gay man just told me he thought I was pretty. Ooh Wee! Ha ha. I can’t help but smile thinking back on that.

When my friend left me on the dance floor to get some drinks, a black gay guy just grabbed me and kissed my cheeks!

I was frozen for a while because I didn’t know if I should slap him for doing that, which I normally would.

Then he smiled at me, took my hand and waved it up to the air to party. Hey, I’m in L.A., I’m sure this gay guy didn’t have any nasty intentions. So, I just went along with it.

All this energy totally overwhelmed me. For the first time, I was culture shocked!

Gay men in this country are actually very friendly. They’ll just start a conversation with you out of nowhere.

Another thing that shocked me was that there were two men just literally French-kissing each other in the middle of the dance floor.

It wasn’t really just them who were kissing. There were a few more in different parts of the club.

Sexuality is obviously not an issue for them either. I couldn’t help but make comments and tell my friends how surprised I was.

And guess what? Would you believe they have a law in West Hollywood that every club that serves any type of alcoholic drink "has to have" free condoms? Uhm, yeah that’s crazy eh? But, that’s actually a good idea.

At least, these people can stay safe and clean. The bar next to where we were had a huge jar of condoms in the middle of the club.

People can just grab them whenever they want, or actually "need" them. I ended up having such a fun night because gay people are just plain fun to hang around with.

Before I walked out the club, I was able to ask a gorgeous gay couple to kiss for my camera for my Philippine STAR column.

They were also very nice about it. After I took the pictures, we chatted for a few minutes about their relationship.

They said they’ve been going out for about five years now, and are looking forward to spending more years together. To Loy and Chad, good luck!
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(You can e-mail me at

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