Christian Bautista the role model

Christian Bautista lights up the room with his mere presence. Whether performing onstage or just hanging out, his genuine smile and jovial personality endear him to everyone.

He is aware that unlike most young men his age who are still struggling for recognition, he is lucky to have already found his niche as a recording artist. He knows that he is in an enviable position where he could wield the power to influence those who idolize him, especially the young and restless youth. But Christian is not about to get drunk with success. He knows that with fame comes responsibility, and he is more than willing to take on the task.

"I want to be a role model especially to the youth who look up to me and emulate what I do. I know I can help guide them in my own simple way –encourage them to follow their dreams, inspire them to focus more on their family, persuade them to be good role models to children. By all means, young people should always have fun, but they should also be aware that people can see what they do," Christian says.

Christian believes that being in the spotlight magnifies his character on and off the stage. He sees this as an opportunity to help get young people to make a difference. "I used to be like other young people who do not see the value of genuinely helping others. The things that are happening to me right now have made me realize that I have been given an enormous opportunity to reach out and touch people’s lives simply because I can." A scholarship grant has just been named in his honor in exchange for his singing engagement in Naga College Foundation.

Through his daily encounters with his young fans, Christian observes that today’s youth has become more serious and more involved in political, social, and even religious issues. He doesn’t think that technology has completely taken the youth’s attention away from what is happening around them. The youth, he says, feel responsible enough to do something to help their family and themselves survive the economic difficulties facing the country.

Christian may be dead serious about his career, but family and friends know him to be a fun-loving guy–qualities that prompted corporate superbrands like Greenwich to make him an endorser. His lean frame is deceiving because Christian played basketball and football before he entered showbiz. He also used to hang around the house with his family a lot, but work makes it difficult for him to see them as often as he wants. Not that he’s complaining. In fact, he’s proud that his bond with his family and friends has not wavered despite time constraints.

From church choir to theater, from pizza lover to Greenwich endorser, Christian has got it made as the new singing icon. TV soap is not far away, with reports indicating that Christian will be the new leading man every soap fanatic will love.

Christian’s popularity is rising faster than he can sing Hands to Heaven. His star is expected to continuously emit that ray of hope for the struggling youth for as long as he remains true to himself.

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