A smokin’ summer shebang

Judging from the haze that cloaked the Megastrip stage last May 20, it must’ve been something really fiery that blazed its way through the thousand-strong crowd and charged them up ‘til the wee hours of the morning.

The sizzling affair was the opening leg of Winston’s month-long concert series, featuring some of the country’s top bands and recording artists. The annual event, aptly called Winston in Concert, proved to be a madcap summer shebang — a fitting prelude and preventive cure to the predominantly teen crowd’s anticipated back-to-school blues.

The early evening soundcheck caught the ears of the regular shopping crowd, and the blaring speakers sent shockwaves to nearby, work-weary Ortigas denizens. It was a clear portent of things to come: thank God it’s Friday and it’s going to be one big red-hot party.

When the searchlights were turned on, a sizeable crowd had gathered around the makeshift stage behind Megamall’s Building B. "Uy, si Maui!," chanted many a curious onlooker, ogling the ex-Viva Hotbabe from head to toe as they guzzled their beer and stuffed their pockets with freebies.

Lovely ladies clad in white doled out Winston giveaways, including cigarette packs, lighters and pens.

And by the time the last batch of moviegoers had trooped to the dark side and settled comfortably in their seats, the Intense Band kicked off its set with wicked, incendiary grooves that incited a dancing frenzy.

Adding more sizzle to the fire were smoking performances by Prime Council, 6Cyclemind, Freestyle and current top-drawer, Bamboo, whose anthemic hits never fail to mesmerize its fans with its guitar-driven riffs and catchy lyrics.

In between sets, Maui and co-host Mon Castro would regale the crowd with interactive games and their witty repartee.

Despite its temporary hiatus from the music scene, Freestyle reasserted its supremacy in the live concert scene with its tight grooves and elegant harmonies.

The concert series’ second leg continued last June 3 at Ratsky’s Malate with Barbie’s Cradle, and moves on with REtroSPECT at Arkdia, Malate on June 24.

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