The 4 passions of Miko Samson

Jet Valle is a reliable, trustworthy, hardworking creative mind. He is risqué, fun and fiercely loyal. He has a weekly ritual. Every Staurday afternoon, he would be in a gay trance as he waits for G-mik (the youth-oriented ABS-CBN show that stars John Prats among others) to start. Jet has this humongous crush on John. It was also Jet’s birthday last Saturday!

There were times when Jet would suddenly explode like a nasty volcano only because John was sweet to Heart Evangelista, his love interest in the show. Jet would mercilessly hiss at anybody in sight – from his unsuspecting officemates to anybody on the phone. They would all wonder why Jet would be unbearably cranky. Jet has set rules in the office – no one talks to him from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. No visitors are allowed, nobody talks aloud. No phone calls. He even tries to stop the rain from falling as it might disrupt his illicit weekly rendezvous with John Prats.

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to the launch of G-mik collection, a full lifestyle line of products ranging from RTWs from Molecules and Particles, to eyewear by Executive Optical to socks by Burlington Industries, scents and fragrances by Good Scents Company and accessories by Jammin’ Gems. It’s a youth-oriented brand of clothes and accessories that will be a sure-fire hit among the young. I assigned Jet to attend the presscon and he took on the assignment as if he were an overzealous patriotic American soldier assigned to fight the Talibans in Afghanistan.

Alas! There was no John Prats in the presscon. He was somewhere taping for another TV show. Hurting inside, Jet decided to talk to another G-mik star, Miko Samson.

Miko is smart, articulate and a fourth year high school student at the Ateneo. In G-mik, he plays Tonci, a rich young boy who seems to have everything.

Miko has four "passions" in life. He told Jet that he is willing to do anything to further hone his craft. The ABS-CBN Talent Center artist is willing to de-glamorize himself just to play a role (and why not? He is an actor, isn’t he?). Would he take on a role that would require a 30-year-old woman to seduce him? "Yes!" he said without blinking. "But if it were a 30-year-old gay?" Miko hesitated but managed to murmur a faint yes.

Miko’s other passion is music. He tinkers with the computer to play around with melodies. He dreams of becoming the Philippines’ Moby or Fat Boy Slim or Goldie.

Miko’s third passion is reading and writing poems. He reveals that he is a voracious reader – he takes on on everything from novels, poems to shampoo labels. "Ganyan ako kahilig magbasa! Kung wala nang mabasa sa bahay, I would go to the bathroom and read shampoo labels." The 17-year-old actor considers Lord of the Rings one of the best books he’s ever read. He’s also excited about its movie version that will premiere soon in Manila. And just like other kids, he appreciates the Harry Potter series and has read both the UK and US versions of the book. He also likes the dark novel Trainspotting.

As for writing poems, Miko says he has already written numerous poems in free verse style, although he admits he is no Neruda (his favorite poet) nor does he have the passion of Angelou. Not yet, anyway, but Miko has the zeal of a young, promising poet.

Miko’s fourth passion is philosophy – political philosophy in particular. He just finished reading Machiavelli’s The Prince and admires the author for his insights. "That’s what we need these days," Miko relates. "We need a strong person who will lead our country to achieve greatness."

Would he be a political leader, someday? Jet inquired. "I honestly don‘t know but I believe that in everything I do, I should give my best. If I were given the task to lead, I would make sure I’d be a good leader."

What is the first law he would author?

"If possible, I would pass a law that would help promote local products and lower taxes on locally manufactured products but I would impose higher taxes on imported ones. This way, we will progress as a country, declares Miko, the fledgling politician.

Saturday afternoons are still sacred to Jet. But his officemates aren’t sure anymore whether his wanton affections are for Miko or still for John. No one knows yet but everybody avoids him like the anthrax virus as he watches G-mik.

After all, as the expression goes, "To prevent oneself from being bitten, always avoid the in heat!"

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