Know who your guardian angel is - FUNFARE by Ricardo F. Lo

I believe in angels. You do, too, don’t you?

If you’re an unbeliever, perhaps a book like Who Is Your Guardian Angel? by Veronique Jarry (given to me as an Easter Sunday gift by Ronald Constantino) will help change your mind about these nice and friendly winged creatures.

Says the author: "Guardian angels are here to help. . . Everyone is assigned a Guardian Angel at birth. Your Angel will protect you for your entire lifetime. . . and help you overcome your weaknesses and discover your true talents. Guardian Angels are the link between humans and Heaven."

Let’s meet some of them (for those born in April):

• Sitael
(third angel of the Seraphim, March 31 to April 4)

Follow your ideas, you have the talent to make it happen!

rules nobility and destroys adversity. Sitael will help his proteges to overcome any type of adversity. Lucid, pragmatic and hardworking, they will be able to successfully materialize all of their ideas and solve the materialistic worries of life!

What more? Hope. Hope not only for themselves but also for people around them. Sitael helps his proteges to live with truth and to defend truth, to keep to their word and to do anything to be helpful to others. They will bring hope to those in need. Sincere and honest, they will be perfect for arbitration. They will have an impartial judgment and will be able to reconcile adverse parties.

also protects against weapons and wild animals. (Note: Sitael is the Angel of Hans Christian Andersen, Alec Guinness, Debbie Reynolds, Marlon Brando, Eddie Murphy and Alec Baldwin)

• Elemiah
(fourth angel of the Seraphim, April 5 to 9)

governs voyages and maritime expeditions. He helps his proteges to make useful discoveries, to be industrious and to be involved in lucky endeavors. In other words, he will help them to find the way to success and power! He grants his proteges the talent to fix a situation. When a situation is not working right, they will discover the mistake and know how to change it.

They will make the right professional choices for themselves and others and will know when to change direction in business. Magnetic and energetic, they will find the right associates and Elemiah will help them to get over worries and stress, and to discover traitors. Hardworking and strong-minded, they are also imaginative.

They will enjoy travelling and they will receive the protection of Elemiah while travelling. Quite convenient! (Note: Elemiah is the Angel of Francis Ford Coppola, Bette Davis, Billie Holiday, Harry Houdini and Spencer Tracy.)

• Mahasiah
(fifth angel of the Seraphim, April 10 to 14)

The pillars!

grants his proteges a tremendous moral strength that nothing can destroy! They are born leaders, strong-willed and powerful. Yet they want to create harmony around them. Mahasiah can assist them in finding a balance by helping them to live in peace with everyone.

His proteges will carry moral and material wealth and have access to fame and fortune! Persuasive and daring, they will also know how to be diplomatic. They will be courageous, strong and responsible. Reliable, they will get over hardships and go on with life.

will help his proteges to learn very easily and they will have access to higher sciences (philosophy, esoteric, artistic. . .). They will be very intelligent and knowledgeable. Pleasant and jovial, they are charmers. They know how to express themselves and naturally become the center of attention.

They love life and all its pleasures, including romance!

(Note: Mahasiah is the Angel of Thomas Jefferson, Matthew Perry, Omar Sharif, Loretta Lynn and Samuel Beckett.)

• Lelahel
(sixth angel of the Seraphim, April 15 to 20)

Short and sweet. . . Venus in charge!

governs love, art, science, fame and fortune. Lelahel will enlighten and improve anything: health, love, creation and material matters. His proteges are granted talent and can be very successful in arts and sciences. They will be able to invent, create or discover. In any case, they can reach fame and fortune and can become famous through their work or their actions. But beware of illegal means or excessive ambition!

They are strong-willed, and Lelahel will help them to be fair and accepting. Honorable and responsible, they can excel in many skills. They will be stable in situations of crisis of any kind, and vigorous.

Healthy and talented, they are also granted love! Kind, generous and comforting, they can be greatly loved and be happy.

(Note: Lelahel is the Angel of Leonardo da Vinci, Paloma Picasso, Jessica Lange and Charlie Chaplin.)

• Achaiah
(seventh angel of the Seraphim, April 21 to 25)

governs patience and the discovery of the secrets of nature.

His proteges are granted a sharp intelligence and a deep sense of comprehension. Achaiah wants them to have the desire to learn, to understand and to analyze, and this will lead to many discoveries. It is a work of patience, and Achaiah will help them to be patient.

They are very intelligent and have an analy-tical mind that allows them to understand everything and to grasp the right ideas or the right solution. They will want to learn useful subjects and can discover new ideas, new concepts or new art techniques. Achaiah will help them to find what is of primary importance, even if it is hidden by a facade, even if it is in the tiniest form. Their intelligence will constantly be challenged to go beyond preconceived ideas or established ways of thinking. Organized and down-to-earth, they can succeed at any difficult tasks and are talented in communication.

They will be caring and protective, and will like to be around intelligent people.

(Note: Achaiah is the Angel of William Shakespeare, Ella Fitzgerald, Jack Nicholson, Shirley Temple, Shirley MacLaine, Barbra Streisand and Al Pacino.)

• Cahethel
(eighth angel of the Seraphim, April 26 to 30

Certainly blessed and lucky!

rules over agriculture and fertility of crops. Cahethel also gives his strong blessing and protection, therefore everything will turn out for the best for his proteges. He keeps evil spirits away! He helps his proteges to be aware of God, and as long as they appreciate their blessing, they will be productive.

They will appreciate spending time in the country. They can of course work in agriculture or any activities relating to agriculture. But in any field, they can be involved in many businesses with productive results! They are dynamic and have the spirit and the liveliness to get over any obstacles. They have a natural talent for communication. They can be successful in expressing themselves verbally or in writing. They can reach high social levels with their work.

Protective and independent, they are also the soul of a home, and will know just how to make it harmonious. With the help of Cahethel, they will also be able to find the right balance between work and family.

(Note: Cahethel is the Angel of Jerry Seinfeld, Michelle Pfeiffer and Duke Ellington.)

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