Tour Analysis

After two grueling mountain stages, the peloton rested. No it wasn’t rest day, what it means is that sometimes, the peloton “allows” the right riders, who are down the classification, to break away. These breakaways are not threat to the any of the major classifications (yellow, green of polka dot jerseys) so they are let go. In this way, the peloton gives other teams a chance for stage wins and at the same time, take it easy for the more difficult stages ahead. Scotsman David Millar of team GARMIN won stage 12 from the 5-man break.

Millar, as an Anglophone, is a well-known rider. He is good looking and opinionated and was very popular when he turned pro. This is his 4th Tour de France stage win since he turned pro back in 1997. He is an exceptional time triallist and was even projected as a possible Tour champion early on. But then in 2004, he was caught with EPO, denied using it and later confessed and was suspended for two years.

When he came back, he became an ardent anti-doping crusader and rode with the team for a team that was the first team with a ride clean policy. Of course, not a lot of people believed him but in time, he acquitted himself. I guess his last hurdle was British Cycling, who prohibited convicted dopers to represent England. But the ruling was changed and he finally will represent the Union Jack in next month’s Olympics at home.

Last night stage win was sweet for the Scot. He finally came full circle since the 2004 affair.

Froome’s Attack.

When Chris Froome attacked with 4km to go during stage 11, he was doing it against team instructions. He was also aware that he had dropped his leader, Bradley Wiggins. SKY team director Sean Yates revealed that during the teams pre-race meeting, the instruction was for everyone to work for Wiggins

The questions that begs to be asked are, “Why did Froome attack and disregard team instructions? And why did he, in less than a few hundred meters after the offensive and after dropping his captain and the other favorites, sat up to wait for Wiggins?” Why knowingly disregard orders and then listen?

With the podium a toss up now between these two teammates, this will be the story until this race is over.

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