Thank You

I am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

More than a season for sharing and maybe receiving, this is also a time to be thankful for the many blessings we got during the year.

First, I would like to thank the Lord for giving this chance to celebrate another Christmas and for the many blessings He gave this year.

I would also like to thank my family – my wife Evelyn, my children Nico and Andi – for being patient with the fact that my work would not allow me to have more time to be with them. The same also goes to the other members of the family.

A big thank you also goes to the management of The Freeman, for allowing me to continue doing something that I love.

I would also like to thank my small, but growing family at CC101 and look forward to a better year ahead.

The same goes to the people at Wealth TV, who help me put together Full Point: The Cebu Sports Show, which is basically a television version of this column. We are also looking forward to going full blast with our plans in 2012.

To my friends and colleagues in my various clubs and organizations like the PTA Board of Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu, the Philippine Society for Industrial Security-7, the PMA-Cebu Squad, and PMA Class ’91, UPHS 85, USCGHS Elementary 81, ASMS 86, CEVA, Cebu City Sports Commission, and others, it was fun being around you guys and gals. Let’s do it again next year.

To my news sources, especially the staff of the golf clubs, who make sure I get the latest results, thank you for making my work easier.

Thank you to all my friends, who are there in good and bad times. Thanks for the laughter, the comforting presence, the pats on the back, and everything else. 

To all the doctors and medical personnel, that is aside from my wife who is also my personal nurse, thanks for helping keep me in shape.  I may have become rounder, but that is still a shape.

To everyone else, especially those who read Full Point, thank you for the support. Maybe someday, I’ll get a chance to also greet you on your special days especially if I get a reminder from Facebook or the other social networking sites.

The year 2011 is about to pass and I hope that as we all look back to where we came from and all those stumbling blocks that we passed or might have gotten entangled with, we learn our lessons and move along.

We can’t always get what we think we deserve, but then at times we might also feel that we get more than what should have been due us.

When I was actively competing, I always spent time to train and what little success I had as an athlete, were nothing compared to the failures and injuries that I sustained, but I always wanted to push forward in order to move a step closer to my goal.

 I never had a chance to be in the Olympics or maybe in an international event carrying the country’s colors, but at last I am still somewhere where I can be very close to my childhood dreams.

I wish you all a blessed season and let us remember that the real star of Christmas is not Santa Claus, but Jesus Christ, who was born in a manger to bring new hope to the people.


MILESTONES: Happy birthday greetings to my brother Nereus David, who is in Dublin, Ireland, as he turns another year older today.

The same goes to Lt. Col. Noel Z. Plaza, Toyota’s Noemi Jajalla, Iris Marcelo, Maricris Polo-Armada, Rowena Arcena, and karting champion Jette Calderon.

Advance greetings to those celebrating tomorrow like my classmates Rommel Anthony Asuncion and Joel Tolentino, The Freeman’s Jessie Padin, Michelle Castro, and Lt. Col. Raul Jesus L. Caldez of the Marines.

More power to all of you!

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