Azkals vs. Sri Lanka

After a busy weekend of golf, I’ll try to forget all the heartaches of the missed putts and the shots that landed elsewhere not on the target as the Philippine Azkals face Sri Lanka this afternoon in the first of two games for the World Cup qualifiers.

Today’s game will be in Sri Lanka and the second leg will be played on Sunday at the Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila.

This is just one of the many steps that the Azkals need to take in order to reach their ultimate dream.

You have a better chance of becoming a lotto millionaire than the Philippines making it to the 2014 World Cup.

Only 32 teams make it to the World Cup and there are limited slots for Asia where among the strongest teams are Japan, Korea, China, and Australia.

Yes, Australia is bracketed under Asia in the World Cup.

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The two-game battle with Sri Lanka will determine which country will make it to the next stage of the qualifying rounds.

The aggregate score will be used as basis to determine, which team advances.

This means that the scores in both games would count and there won’t be a deciding match unlike in best-of-three settings.

For example, team A will win the first game by score of 1-0. If in the second game, team B wins by 2-0, team B advances.

If in case the aggregate score is tied after two games, the team, which has scored more away goals, would advance.

If still tied after this, then there would be a penalty shootout.

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I am hoping all the best for the Philippines in this match. I hope the Azkals win in Sri Lanka today and then in Manila on Sunday to avoid any complications.

Next step would be Kuwait, but let’s not think of that first until the Azkals defeat Sri Lanka.

Today’s match is starting at around 5:30 p.m. This should be a good reason for those with regular working schedules to head home immediately after work.

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Football’s popularity has soared after the success of the Azkals in the Suzuki Cup last year.

Now, many are hooked to the Azkals, but so much still needs to be done to really make this a football-loving nation.

While many love the sport, we still need to get our government leaders to truly do something beyond just words to prove their sincere efforts to help.

We also need to tap more support from the private sector to get things moving faster as there would be lesser bureaucracy compared to government.

Lastly, we need to continue educating ourselves about the world’s number one sport.

Go Azkals!

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MILESTONES: Belated birthday greetings to my mistah Lt. Col. Lenart Lelina, who turned a year older last Monday. The same goes to Chris Sagun, Balamban Councilor Dave John Karamihan, and Eve Espiritu.

Belated greetings also go to those who celebrated yesterday like Edvin Kaw, Imelda Catacutan-Garbanzos, Boots Cabahug, and The Freeman’s Catherine Grace ‘Caecent’ Noot-Magsumbol.

Today’s greetings go to Ricky Paul Tio and Paul Miaga.

More power to all of you! — THE FREEMAN

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