Red overshadows Green in Abella Cup Christmas hoopfest

CEBU, Philippines - The Red squad of team owners Joseph Vasquez and Ariel Mosqueda overpowered the Head Supply-sponsored Green in overtime, 100-95, in the Norvic Abella Cup 2009 Christmas basketball tournament at the Labangon Sports Complex.

Flash Cinco saved Green from an outright defeat as he sank a buzzer-beating basket to tie the count at 88-all at the end of the regulation period, thus, the extension.

In the extra five-minute period, Red limited Green to just seven points while scoring 12 for the win.

Junel Navaja exploded with 32 points as Red improved its win-loss record to 2-4. Oliver Amores paced Green with 25 points.

Earlier, the DHAGZ whacked St. Jude, 107-92, for its fifth win in eight games. 

Daks Donggon topped DHAGZ with 19 points followed by Dicksim Kintanar with 15.

The tandem of Darwin Belandres and Ramses Baisac led St. Jude with 42 points combined.

The scores

First game

Red (100) - Navaja 32, Abella 15, Vasquez 12, Laurente 9, Mamalias 9, Mosqueda 5, Lacaba 5, Espanol 3, Quejada 3, Baron 2

Green (95) - Amores 25, Cinco 22, Tabasa 16, Sta. Rosa 7, Cajes 6, Pilarca 5, Abello 4, Lazarita 3, Cabasan 3, Abella 2, Dayondon 2

Second game

DHAGZ (107) - Donggon 19, Kintanar 15, Atillo 14, D. Pilarca 13, Alibawan 10, K. Restauro 8, Dcalan 8, E. Restauro 8, Cajes 6, Pilares 6

St. June (92) - Belandres 23, Baisac 19, Menesis 11, Flores 11, Entienza 10, Alega 8, Tagalog 4, Tapayan 4, Genosolango 2 (GGM)  (FREEMAN NEWS)


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