Sitoy chessfest opens tomorrow in Cordova

Young chess enthusiasts will flock together as the First Mayor Adelino Sitoy Chess Cup fires off tomorrow at the Cordova covered gym.

The two-day tournament will follow a 7-round Swiss-System format. The categories to be contested are the juniors for players aged 19 years old and below and the kiddies for 14-under chess buffs.

Trophies and cash prizes await the winners in each age classification.

The 1st Mayor Adelino Sitoy Chess Cup is a realization of Mayor Sitoy’s chess development program for Cordova.

For registration and further inquiries, one may call or text tournament director Odilon Badilles at 0909-8296920, Councilor MM Sitoy at 0921-3933693 and Michael Villarin of the Cordova Treasurer’s office at 0918-2847648.  Marigold P. Lebumfacil

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