Basirgo dominates Danao City Summer bikefest

Albert Basirgo wasted no time and broke away in the early going to win the Danao City Summer Bikefest covering Danao-Lugo-Danao route, the other day.

Basirgo, who was keenly aware of the strong field, broke away from the pack after the starting gun went off, to capture the crown in Class A. Second place went to Jaybop Pagnanawon, who caught Nino Surban bidding his time, and simply overtook the latter. Surban settled for third place.

The other triumphant rider was Junvie Pagnanawon, who ruled Class B, with Ramon Espinosa finishing second and birthday boy John Gayatin claiming third place.

Romeo Sanchez, on the other hand, won the “By Invitation Only” category over Jose Gerry Lagatic and Gary Fernandez.

On the other hand, Rudy Cordero showed that age didn’t slow him down as he finished first in the Red Baron category, or cyclists who are 50 years and older. Rogelio Basirgo and Jaime Noynay finished second and third, respectively.

A total of 82 participants joined the cycling race organized by the Danao City Sports Commission.—Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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