PaBol enters semifinals in Rosevale Football

The girls 17-year old PaBol Football Club of Cebu secured a ticket to the semifinal round in the Rosevale Football Festival in Cagayan de Oro after posting two wins, a loss and a draw yesterday.

The Cebuanas opened with a 2-0 win in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Montessori School courtesy of Ban Yu and Nikki Sembrano.

In the second game, PaBol ended with a 0-0 draw opposite Panky Football Club of Iligan.

They then bowed to the First Three of Liceo de Cagayan, 0-1, in the third game.

But they bounced back in their fourth assignment, pulling a 1-0 victory against Cagayan de Oro.

Nikki Sembrano saved the Cebuanas again after taking the goal from an assist of its center forward, Bea Maximo.

The Cebuanas will meet Ateneo de Davao in the semifinal round. - Caecent No-ot-Magsumbol

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